Need to do some brakes/shocks work | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Need to do some brakes/shocks work


November 4, 2009
Reaction score
City, State
Novi, MI
Year, Model & Trim Level
05 SportTrac XLT 2WD
So, while up north hunting (well, more like on the way up there), I noticed that I had some cupping of the inside edge of my front tires. It looks like it has been going on for a while, but I never noticed it before because I do mostly city driving, thus the vibration and noise aren't prevalent.

I know my brakes and rotors could use a change too, and probably the shocks, as I have 83,000 miles on the vehicle (brakes and rotors have been changed before, shocks haven't.

I'm not super into cars, but like to do as much as I can without taking it to the shop. I know my limitations though. So anyway, a little research led me to find out that about 10 different things can cause the cupping. I decided that I would take it to my local mechanic to at least diagnose what needs to be replaced. My hope is that I can spend ~$50 for this, and attempt the repairs myself (provided they are within my scope).

Ideally, what I would like to do is see if there is a member who is local to me who would like to provide guidance for me while doing this. I have zero problems getting my hands dirty, and I know that the brakes (I've done them before, but only once), and it looks like the shocks are within my scope. If the problem leads to ball joints, well, I don't feel comfortable doing those without someone who knows what they are doing, if I can do it at home. Alignment issues, I'll have to have the shop do.

I'm willing to compensate, but please keep in mind that my goal is to minimize the total expense, thus the desire to do it myself. Maybe a case or two, or a couple bottles of liquor? Would anybody be willing to help me out? I am more than willing to travel an hour or so to accomplish this, and would prefer it as I do not have access to a garage/shed/barn/somewhere enclosed to perform the work.

Here is my vehicle (and what I would like to do):

Novi, MI 48377
2005 Ford Explorer Sport Trac 2WD
83,000 miles
Front Brakes
Front Rotors
Front Shocks
Rear Brakes
Rear Rotors
Rear Shocks
Front Wheel Bearings (they are pressed into the rotors)

1. Front Tires cupping
2. Getting diagnosis from local shop
3. Seek [H]'er that would be willing to provide guidance and a garage/shed/barn/enclosure to perform work
4. Willing to get hands dirty...I have no problems doing the dirty work.
5. Willing to compensate, but overall goal is to save money over shop doing it.
6. List of what I know I need to do...

Dropped truck off this morning for diagnosis. Came back that the Front Wheel Bearings are very loose, the Left Lower Ball Joint is bad, and it needs an alignment.

I decided to have them do the Ball Joint, since I don't know how to do that one. The bearings, I was going to replace with the brakes anyway, and then do an alignment when all is said and done.

The only question I have left is how do/would I know that it is the bearings themselves that are loose/bad and not the Wheel Hub?

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Since your a 2wd your hub is the rotor assembly itself and the bearings go inside the rotor/ hub assembly. It's fairly easy to do the bearings, theirs tons of project threads on here's and also in the Stock '95-01 explorer section and lots of how-to videos on YouTube. If you were closer I'd gladly help you but it'd be cheaper just to have a shop do them then to waste the money on tolls, gas, etc... To check the bearings jack the truck up alittle and check for play in the wheel back and fourth, in-out.

Well, I have done the bearings once before. I found a nice pictoral process that shows me exactly what I have experienced before. With those instructions, I feel very confident about the bearings again. I just don't know how to tell whether it is just the bearings that are loose/bad or whether it is the whole wheel hub?

This is what I am referring to as the Wheel Hub for my truck

Ok, I'll have to double check but that's for a 4wd, you should just have a long spindle that the rotor and bearings go onto.

*facepalm*...sorry are right. 4WD. I either did not see that, or it wasn't showing properly in Chrome.

Just the Wheel Bearings then it looks like.

Yep, rarely do you ever have to replace the spindle. That's only when you let the bearings go o far and they start to cut into the spindle. Don't worry, all of us make simple mistakes, that's why the rest of us are here to help out.

Easy fixes

I just did all of this work this past spring with the exception of the rear shocks they were a PIA. Just make sure you have a decent jack and jackstands for safty. I replaced front and rear rotor, pads wheel bearings and races and front shocks can be done in a day or over the weekend. Using informations for project posts. Good Luck.
