Need to Quiet Down Loud Exhaust for Inspection | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Need to Quiet Down Loud Exhaust for Inspection


Well-Known Member
February 25, 2018
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City, State
South Easton
Year, Model & Trim Level
2008 XLT
1995 Sport
Bringing a 1995 Sport back to life after years of sitting. Truck is used as a yard truck but needs an occasional trip on public roads. Took for inspection (Masschusetts) which is very strict now and records inspectors. Very happy that there were only 2 issues that needed to be fixed. One is a parking brake cable that probably needs to be replaced and the other a loud exhaust. I slapped together a system that starts with Walker Y-pipe that pretty much matches stock, I fabbed a flange and 3" pipe that goes into a straight thru muffler, then out the back with more 3".

I am looking for simple and inexpensive solutions to get this passed. This may include installing a silencer at tail end, a quiet muffler (need recommendations) or the steel wool trick. I plan to undo and run out the side after inspection. With exception of y-pipe flange all connections are band clamped so removal and installing new pieces should be pretty easy.


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Find any performance type factory muffler from a later car, those will all be very quiet. People like the many late Mustang mufflers, but any similar car type will work, and will be 2.25" or 2.5" inlet/outlets. Aftermarket mufflers can pass inspections, but you likely need the cats in place with them too.

The parking brakes will be harder to fix, work on that the most. Finding a cheap new replacement would be best for the main cable, but any from far down south will do okay too.

Thanks Don,
I am emissions exempt as it is a 95 and only safety items are checked. Not sure how loud exhaust is safety, basically sounds like a tuner and is only present at low rpm's...but I digress. Assuming the cats mentioned were for that reason, but they would quiet things down as well. I have 3" pipes installed so if I went the late Mustang route, which is interesting because I have a 03 GT with engine problems I plan to yank and replace exhaust, I would need some reducers.

I'll probably go the rock auto or similar routefor the brake cable. I may need more than the cable as I have not busted into it just yet. It is likely the parking brake shoes need to be replaced as well. Hope to get to looking at this on the weekend.

The parking brake pads are not expensive, but a PITA to install. Pull the axles if you want it to be easy, otherwise be patient and ready to cuss. The cables and sometimes the front mechanism are the main items to corrode(bind).

If they only care about safety items etc, and the sound level, they likely aren't looking over every inch. So no cats may be okay, but it would take an OEM muffler to be quiet enough without cats I'd bet. Cats do wear out, but I'd lean to getting any kind to fit, either cheap take off of a later OHV 4.0 2000ish Explorer, or cheap universal cats($40 or so). But a decent OEM muffler is tops for having a quiet exhaust. Heck, any late 90's Explorer muffler will be a direct bolt in, the right hanger and pipe sizes for temporary use.

I am super happy with my Gibson system, quiet but has some sound to it.

Same here, the Gibson actually got a little more sound after a few thousand miles.
A 1995 is not exempt from this? Can you register as a classic?

Hi All, thought I would provide update. Finally got back to Ex as it is a yard truck. So a previous visit to inspection yielded a loose parking brake and a loud muffler. I am happy to report that it passed yesterday. I replaced parking brake shoes and teh cable was still pretty loose, so I knotted it up to remove slack. This got the pedal and brake working. For the exhaust, I went with something I am calling the OKRA exhaust. This was fabricated from one of the only canned good that was in the cupboard we would never eat, a can of okra that just happened to be the exact size to fit in the 3" exhaust. The lip of it actually fit exactly between the two 3" pipes that are joind with a stainless steel band clamp. I drilled a 1/2" hole in the end of the can after removing the other end and some of the sides. Actually sounds pretty good. I am hoping it is not restricting too much or will cause any problems. Just hope that the next request at the house is for file gumbo instaed of okra gumbo.

For good measure, I am planning to run the exhaust out the passenger side, but just needed something for inspection so the straight pipe out to the back was used. So, add to thes thread for good side exit exhaust ideas. There appears to be little room between body and frame. Exiting out the lower body panel would be cool.
