Nelly talked about his hummer being chromed out....pffft....he ain't got nothin'..... | Page 2 | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Nelly talked about his hummer being chromed out....pffft....he ain't got nothin'.....

i would rather have people touching it, then say a major lawsuit if that fell onto someone!

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we went to the olympics in atlanta in 96. the chrome vehicles were chevy's.

You'd have to have a payroll deduction to the makers of WINDEX... and/or live in a fairly pristine environment. No thanks.
Chrome vehicles are the Mr. Bigglesworths of felines... ;)

Originally posted by morrisey0
You know when you are riding down the insterstate and their is an 18wheeler in front of you with those chrome plates at the bottom of the mudflaps, and the sun is behind you reflecting those plates right back in your face...............MAN, I HATE THAT!!! Those "chrome cars" would suck to drive anywhere near!


Oh I know, those mudflaps are terrible.

too bad they dont drop those chrome cars at teh beginning of each show to get teh crowd going(by destroying what is a disgrace to a CAR show)
