New 2021 Ford Enthusiast ST | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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New 2021 Ford Enthusiast ST


Elite Explorer
Moderator Emeritus
December 28, 2010
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City, State
Russell, Ontario (Ottawa area)
Year, Model & Trim Level
2023 Aviator Reserve 201A

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They really don't get in to what they took off this model to keep the price down.

They really don't get in to what they took off this model to keep the price down.
The big change is that it's RWD instead of AWD. Other than that it sounds like it's pretty much the same.

They really don't get in to what they took off this model to keep the price down.
"So what's the new Enthusiast ST missing? The standard ST's 401A "ST High" equipment package, a big bundle of kit that includes everything from a 12-speaker B&O premium audio system to wireless charging pad, Active Park Assist 2.0 and 360-degree camera coverage. By the way, in case you're wondering, you won't be able to easily discern the new ST Enthusiast trim on the street just by looking at one, because it wears the same badging on the outside as the regular ST."


The big change is that it's RWD instead of AWD. Other than that it sounds like it's pretty much the same.

It's still going to be AWD it seems, just like peter pointed out the stereo system and the park assist seems to be taken out.

Basically it's a 4000 reduction in price making the MSRP 48k.

Not bad.

Oh. I think it'll be a downgrade though to go to RWD, especially a "performance" SUV.

I guess the extra 4k is worth it lol

It is still going to be standard 4wd/awd. Equipment wise it's basically an xlt 202a pkg with power fold mirrors and the digital dash.

The 'standard' for this Explorer is RWD.

The 'standard' for this Explorer is RWD.
Maybe in Canada but in USA it's 4x4. I pulled the order guide it's listed as standard.

Maybe in Canada but in USA it's 4x4. I pulled the order guide it's listed as standard.
I think the Ford order guide only shows the ST so far. I haven't seen the order guise for the Enthusiast ST. Or the new Platinums either.


Seems like mixed messages.

According to Ford Media, doesn't say anything about RWD ST, just RWD Platinum


But from Motor Trend

The gatekeepers at the Ford Motor Company have graciously decided to lower the barrier of entry to performance-oriented 2021 Explorer ST with a new model. Dubbed the Ford Explorer Enthusiast ST, the trim delivers the same underhood goods as the regular ST in a cheaper, rear-drive package. (The regular ST has AWD standard.) It sounds like a win to us, even if Ford's decision to forgo the EnthusiaST name is an SUV-sized missed opportunity.

And another page also says RWD is standard on the Enthusiast.

Maybe in Canada but in USA it's 4x4. I pulled the order guide it's listed as standard.
The two articles linked here both state that this Explorer is standard RWD. You can get AWD as an option. Could you please provide the link to the Order Guide so it can be added here? Thanks.


The two articles linked here both state that this Explorer is standard RWD. You can get AWD as an option. Could you please provide the link to the Order Guide so it can be added here? Thanks.

I don't have the link I can just download it as a pdf. Here is a screen shot of it though


That is for the regular ST. The Order Guide for the 2021 Explorer has already been posted. 2021 Explorer Order Guide


That is for the regular ST. The Order Guide for the 2021 Explorer has already been posted. 2021 Explorer Order Guide

No, look closer. The 400a package is the enthusiast package they're talking about. On the lower part of the screen shot where it says equipment group it has it listed as being the standard for ST (400a) the link you posted is not the most up to date Order Guide.

As I mentioned, there's mixed info.
From what I see, Enthusiast ST is still AWD and there's a new Platinum RWD.

Some sites are listing RWD for the Enthusiast, but even the original link in this thread only states RWD Platinum.

No, look closer. The 400a package is the enthusiast package they're talking about. On the lower part of the screen shot where it says equipment group it has it listed as being the standard for ST (400a) the link you posted is not the most up to date Order Guide.
It looks like you are correct. I just posted the new 2021 order guides for both the US and Canada. See if I trust Motor Trend again. And others.

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