New clutch kit, master, slave,.....HELP! | Page 2 | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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New clutch kit, master, slave,.....HELP!


The cost for them to do it $1100.00

That's a ludicrous price. Go get your truck and take it somewhere else. They are trying to hose you. I had a '92 Explorer transmission completely overhauled and a new clutch put in for just above that.

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Well I went out and bought the Vacuum pump was 50.00. I'll give it a try tommorow and post results, because even with pulling the plunger from the master and trying to get all the air out my clutch although working is still spongy and I think it will do the same thing as last time which is eventually after 3 weeks it will start getting harder to shift and grind into first and reverse and eventually have no clutch again and need to be bled yet again.

That's a ludicrous price. Go get your truck and take it somewhere else. They are trying to hose you. I had a '92 Explorer transmission completely overhauled and a new clutch put in for just above that.

X2 Thats ridiculous. Whats their breakdown of parts and labor charges

Another trick to try!!!
Thank you!
If that doesent work I will take EVERYTHING OUT again for the third time!!!!

Well I had time today to try pulling the clip off the master and bleed it that way and everything happend the way you said it would..........
But no change.

anybody know why it starts moving when i try to force it in gear when running!

did you get this figured out? This weekend my tranny swap is getting done, and im installing brand new flywheel, slave cylinder, clutch, and clutch master cylinder......i am scared now!

Yep! got it figured out!
Its on craigslist for sale.

OH SHAT! like that? well i got everything out and bought all new parts, flywheel, clutch kit, clutch master cylinder, slave cylinder, the line from one to the other (fricken 85$ from ford!) everything is ready, just got to get on it.....hope i dont end up in your position, but wouldnt sell my explorer no way no how, i'll burn it first, too many notches on that headboard

More to think about..

Yes, Its gone.
I traded it in for a 02 Explorer!
What I've been wanting to do is tow fourwheelers instead of beating my truck up. Still going to miss it.

AFTER trading, I got a call from someone interested in it.
Come to find out after replacing everything he is sure what happened is that the flywheel was turned too much! TOTALLY OVER LOOKED.

Its out of my hands now....... happy and sad.

Thank you ALL!!!!!
Now learning my 02 V6

That was quick well at least you stayed in the family lol You enjoying the new X?

loving it!

oh yeah!
Been talking about getting four wheelers instead of using the daily driver, gas prices, expensive parts, ect.
Think its going to be for the better.

P.S. still needs to be taller:D

K follow up time, got fed up with pulling the clip off the master and draining air out every three weeks. So problem is finally completely fixed and did it solo to boot. Bought a 40 dollar hand pump vacuum brake bleeder at walmart, and attached it to the bleeder on the slave. Removed the master from the fire wall, was actually pretty easy as mine is not bolted on my 96 it fits in a hole and turns to lock. The electrical conector on the master shaft splits easily after removing the plastic clip sort of thing. Then turned it with a wrench and slid it out , now here the thing that does the trick turn that Piece Of Turd so its strait up and down and get under the truck pump up the brake bleeder (with the hand pump)( I pumped to 60psi) then open the bleeder valve. Did it five times and refilled the resevoir after each time. Put the master back in the hole and used the wrench to lock it in place put the elictrical piece back on the shaft, put the cap back on the reservoir and for the first time in two years the clutch is perfect cant remember ever having such a good clutch maybe in 96 when I bought it.

Hi, I have had a 1991 eddie bauer 1992 xlt 1994 xlt currently own a 1995 xlt and a 1998 xlt four of them are standards. instead of going crazy and spending all your money and time buy a hanes or a chiltons manual. $20.00
they are the experts!!! it tells you nothing about bench bleeding. because you do not need to. it says to (and the instructions that come with the new master or slave say the same thing) just install the master or the slave whatever your problem. the switch on the master rod is called the interlock switch. it serves three purposes 1 it tells the cruse control to shut off when the clutch is depressed 2 it tells the fuel pressure to slow down 3 it tells the engine not to start if the clutch is not pressed in. it is held on with a white plastic piece it pushes up and then you can pull the switch off. ok back to bleeding (it is not as easy as bleeding brakes) fill up your reservoir now you need to pump the hell out of it not like a girl like a man till your leg hurts pump pump pump!!! now stop and wait you need two people now you or your buddy one pumping one under truck pump it again about twenty times and let the pedal up as fast as you can (just let you foot off fast) now pump about five times and hold down have your buddy open the bleed screw. keep the pedal down fluid will come out then close the bleed screw. check you reservoir keep it filled pump the hell out of it have your buddy look at the reservoir keep pumping he will see bubbles rise to the top keep pumping the hell out of it. pump it again hold down the pedal and open the bleed screw do this and you will get your pedal to stiffen up in time maybe over night any other air will escape if you leg hurts to bad try the next day I have faith that you will get your system bleed I have done this with over twenty vehicles ( I have friends that are auto mechanics with certifications that could not get the system bleed and I have done it for them) I promise if you pump hard and fast it will bleed!!!! :usa:

This worked for me

I used ideas from this form and came up with a real easy way to bench bleed the slave. You need a turkey baster and two feel of clear tubing that will fit on the bleeder screw and a set of allen wrenchs. Find the allen wrench that will fit in the disconnect and push the valve in. Connect the tubing to the bleed screw and the turkey baster. Take the bulb off and fill the baster and tubing with fluid. Open the bleed screw and push the bottem of the disconnect with the allen wrench. You can then use the turkey baster to force fluid in to the slave and purge the air. Worked the first time for me and only took a couple of minutes.

Its now September and over two months have passed and clutch is still perfect. However Im pretty sure my Fuel Pump bit the dust tonight. Dat Sux. LOL. Gonna post a new thread for sum advice.
