new fuel pump complete with fuel guage senser unit | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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new fuel pump complete with fuel guage senser unit


August 9, 2022
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1998 ford Explorer
Hi. I have a new fuel pump assembly with the guage senser, but the new unit has a seven pin plug. I have removed the seven pin plug & fitted the four pin plug to the new unit by soldering the wires to the new unit. the old unit had one wire going to earth on the the sender unit for the guage, the new unit has the wires one on either end of the senser unit a white & a blue. can anyone tell me which wires from the old unit hookes up to the blue & white wire. I have a yellow & black & a yellow & white on the old unit.

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Hi. I have a new fuel pump assembly with the guage senser, but the new unit has a seven pin plug. I have removed the seven pin plug & fitted the four pin plug to the new unit by soldering the wires to the new unit. the old unit had one wire going to earth on the the sender unit for the guage, the new unit has the wires one on either end of the senser unit a white & a blue. can anyone tell me which wires from the old unit hookes up to the blue & white wire. I have a yellow & black & a yellow & white on the old unit.
?what year, make and model and engine, is the new fuel assembly unit for?
The old unit is for 1998 explorer. What engine and model?

Post some pictures please.

The new pump unit had the 7 pin plug on the wiring which was there for later models I guess., I cut the plug off & removed the wires which were hooked to anothr plug up close to the round top of the senser unit, that had nothing to do with my 98 model explorer. The pump wires the red & black are fine, but I dont want to plug it in untill I am sure the other wires are wired right as they a bit different on the unit. The new unit was for a 97 to 2001 explorer, My truck is a 98 model single over head cam motor. The pictures show the two units, I have the blue on the new unit hooked to the yellow & white wire, & the white wire to the yellow & black.

(The yellow & white wire you can see in the picture is joined to the brown wire behind the unit with a spade connector & covered with heat shrink)


old fuel pump.jpg

The new pump unit had the 7 pin plug on the wiring which was there for later models I guess., I cut the plug off & removed the wires which were hooked to anothr plug up close to the round top of the senser unit, that had nothing to do with my 98 model explorer. The pump wires the red & black are fine, but I dont want to plug it in untill I am sure the other wires are wired right as they a bit different on the unit. The new unit was for a 97 to 2001 explorer, My truck is a 98 model single over head cam motor. The pictures show the two units, I have the blue on the new unit hooked to the yellow & white wire, & the white wire to the yellow & black.

(The yellow & white wire you can see in the picture is joined to the brown wire behind the unit with a spade connector & covered with heat shrink)

View attachment 444261

View attachment 444262
Take no notice of the red arrowes & text in the picture I forgot to remove the arrows & text.

Hi. I have a new fuel pump assembly with the guage senser, but the new unit has a seven pin plug. I have removed the seven pin plug & fitted the four pin plug to the new unit by soldering the wires to the new unit. the old unit had one wire going to earth on the the sender unit for the guage, the new unit has the wires one on either end of the senser unit a white & a blue. can anyone tell me which wires from the old unit hookes up to the blue & white wire. I have a yellow & black & a yellow & white on the old unit.
Where or who did you buy your new fuel pump from? (Looking for wiring diagram).
Did you get installation instruction with your new unit?

The wiring diagram I have is for my explorer is a 4 wire model.

PK/BK 12v in from inertia switch,
BK ground, ( these two wires power the pump).
BK/Y ground wire for gauge,
Y/W level signal to gauge via slosh module.

Where or who did you buy your new fuel pump from? (Looking for wiring diagram).
Did you get installation instruction with your new unit?

The wiring diagram I have is for my explorer is a 4 wire model.

PK/BK 12v in from inertia switch,
BK ground, ( these two wires power the pump).
BK/Y ground wire for gauge,
Y/W level signal to gauge via slosh module.
You are right, my old fuel pump unit is wired exactly as you put above. The new unit I bought through Amazon listed to fit 97 - 2001. the extra three wires from the 7 pin plug went through the plastic covering with the pump wires to a plug up near the round top of the the pump unit that is bolted to the tank, I cut the three wires & pulled the three wires & plug out of the wiring, then cut the 7 pin plug of the end & fitted the old 4 pin plug to the end where the seven pin plug was. What I want to know is which of the two wires BK/Y & WT/Y which one to the Blue & which to the White on the new unit, so I don't stuff up the senser unit for the guage.
(Removing the seven pin plug makes no difference to the way that the new pump workes)
