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New halfway black interior


Well-Known Member
October 2, 2001
Reaction score
City, State
Baton rouge and New iberia Louisiana
Year, Model & Trim Level
96 XLT
Here are some pics of the back half of the interior in black. The front was suppose to be done but it has been to humid outside. I am also ordering a new carpet kit and red & black neoprene seat covers.





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Looks good so far! Did you replace all the panels or just paint them? Some details would be great!

I painted them myself. I started with the Dupli color vinyl paint on the back panels. I went to pick up some more of it (walmart) when i noticed Molecubond it was about twice as expensive with less in the can. I used the Molecubond on the doors. Gonna have to wait a while and see which one holds up the best. I also put some of the spray bed liner in the cargo area.

that looks really good.. i love black interiors. my dads pathfinder is black inside and i love it. wish i could get myself to paint everything black in mine.

My molecubonds been on since last spring, on my airbag cover, vents, and my leather seats, has held up very well!!

That looks good! The true test will be the normal wear and tear, to see if it holds up. Sounds like it should though.
