New Intake (small problem) | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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New Intake (small problem)


Active Member
November 4, 2002
Reaction score
City, State
San Antonio, Texas
Year, Model & Trim Level
Explorer 97" XLT
So I installed my new KN intake today. It KICKS serious ASS. The intake was worth every penny. I have one problem though. I havent reinstalled the air temp. sensor. Will this hurt anything. My check engine light is on also. The thing says to drill a hole in the tube and stick the sensor in the tube. But without the connecting end how will this solve the problem.

Any info will be helpful.


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I would plug it back in. It tells the computer the air intake temp. As for the check engine light did you reset the computer? This is done by taking the negative terminal off of the battery for 10 - 15 mins. Then reconnecting it

The air temp being disconnected wouldnt do this???

Yes, the IAT can throw a code.

Definately put the sensor back in. Running without it can cause serious engine damage.

biteme, r u saying that your kn also did not come with a pre-drilled hole for the sensor? i just got a mac and that did not have a hole for it ether. contacted mac and they are sending me the appropriate grommet and i will drill my own hole, 5/8 i think. thats more than a coincidence that 2 companies forget about the sensor hole.

Does the IAT not help with cam timing?

Slightly off topic, but I think close enough.

I put a K&N on my dad's Bronc this week and it came with a bracket that mounts the IAT outside of the tube. You keep it wired, but it isn't directly in the airflow, it is kinda next to it. This is the way K&N instructs to install it. Does this sound right? I would imagine the temps would be close, but not exact. Does the computer need a completely accurate IAT signal to function properly?

Thanks! Hope I am not hijacking the thread.

I would put the IAT into the air inlet tube. A false IAT reading can lead to poor spark timing and fuel injection, which can hurt performance and the motor.
