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New Key

Shaun Daniels

New Member
December 11, 2018
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Patuxent River, Maryland
Year, Model & Trim Level
2015 Explorer XLT
I am looking for information and cant find one correct answer. I have a 2015 FORD Explorer XLT. I am trying to program the fob and key of two new keys I purchased. Does anyone have definite answer as to what the correct process is? I only have one original key at this time. Both extra keys that I have are cut so they just need programed. Thank you for the help.

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I am looking for information and cant find one correct answer. I have a 2015 FORD Explorer XLT. I am trying to program the fob and key of two new keys I purchased. Does anyone have definite answer as to what the correct process is? I only have one original key at this time. Both extra keys that I have are cut so they just need programed. Thank you for the help.

I am pretty sure you need two programmed keys to program a third key. If you only have one programmed key you will need to head to the dealer to get the new ones programmed. Maybe some locksmith might be able to do it.

Welcome to the Forum Shaun.:wave:
As stated in your Owner's Manual and replies above, you require 2 programmed keys in order to program any additional keys otherwise you have to visit the dealership. I'm not sure if Forscan will allow it to be done.


Welcome to the Forum Shaun.:wave:
As stated in your Owner's Manual and replies above, you require 2 programmed keys in order to program any additional keys otherwise you have to visit the dealership. I'm not sure if Forscan will allow it to be done.


Forscan will not, the dealer must do it if only one key is available.

Forscan WILL indeed program the new keys into the PATS system, I've done it myself on my '15. This assumes that the two new keys are not "clones".

Now, if these are Chinese knockoff fobs instead of Ford or Ford-authorized replacements such as Strattec keys, the programming for remote keyless and, if applicable, remote starting is different from the procedure in the owner's manual.

Need specific information about the two new keys/fobs.

Forscan WILL indeed program the new keys into the PATS system, I've done it myself on my '15. This assumes that the two new keys are not "clones".

Now, if these are Chinese knockoff fobs instead of Ford or Ford-authorized replacements such as Strattec keys, the programming for remote keyless and, if applicable, remote starting is different from the procedure in the owner's manual.

Need specific information about the two new keys/fobs.

Can you share the steps you used in FORScan to program to your 2015? I’m trying to program a spare IAK/key fob to my 2015 and running into a wall. Thanks

I erased them all and then programmed the new and old keys one after the other.

It's been 18 months since I did it so I don't recall the exact steps.

I erased them all and then programmed the new and old keys one after the other.

It's been 18 months since I did it so I don't recall the exact steps.

Do your remember where in FORScan you did this procedure?

Update: I was able to get the FOBS to work with the car. I will try this weekend through FORSCAN to actually get the keys syncd up. Thank you for all the help and will post when I finish

Can you share the steps you used in FORScan to program to your 2015? I’m trying to program a spare IAK/key fob to my 2015 and running into a wall. Thanks
Guys/gals - this has been a thing with forscan for years. Instructions are all over the internetz.

For those that weren't aware, there is a huge forscan forum with lots of info - FORScan forum - Index page

Guys/gals - this has been a thing with forscan for years. Instructions are all over the internetz.

For those that weren't aware, there is a huge forscan forum with lots of info - FORScan forum - Index page

Thanks for the info, but I’m trying to program an IAK and I’m not aware that’s possible in FORScan...are you saying it is? That’s why I’m trying to narrow down what ProjectSHO89 did.

IA was not specified in the conversation I replied to. My '15 vehicle has the IKT fobs. I have not investigated the IA aspect since I don't have that.

Thanks for the info, but I’m trying to program an IAK and I’m not aware that’s possible in FORScan...are you saying it is? That’s why I’m trying to narrow down what ProjectSHO89 did.
Sorry, I guess I mistakenly assumed the topic of this thread was not intelligent access keys and you just mistyped IAK with key fob. PATS and IKT should work in forscan. Fobs get programmed through the standard process as long as it is supported for your vehicle.

I believe intelligent access keys requires IDS/dealer if you don't have 2 keys. I haven't seen a forscan update that can handle this yet or the 16+ PIU fobs.

Update: I was able to get the two new key fobs programmed. From there I was able to add the two new keys. So now i have a total of three. After all that was done i was able to get the factory remote start activated. All in all it was a good day

Update: I was able to get the two new key fobs programmed. From there I was able to add the two new keys. So now i have a total of three. After all that was done i was able to get the factory remote start activated. All in all it was a good day
Math was never my strong subject, but doesn't 2 and 2 equal 4 keys? Merry Christmas.


The fobs are part of the two keys that needed programmed. Along with the one original. So total key would be 3. But I know reading and comprehension is hard for some people

The fobs are part of the two keys that needed programmed. Along with the one original. So total key would be 3. But I know reading and comprehension is hard for some people

That’s a little harsh isn’t it?

You stated you got 2 new keys programmed and from there you added 2 new keys. Still adds up to 4 in my book. Nothing was said about 1 original.


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I purchased the Explorer used and came with only 1 key. After purchasing a Chinese knock off, I looked up how to program the key. Then I read, you have to have 2 keys to program the new key or go to the dealer. So i just tossed the blank into my glove box. Fast forward a couple of months and I am reading about Sync 2 to Sync 3 upgrade. I then started purchasing the needed parts. After getting all the necessary components, I read that i needed ForScan to program the APIM. I downloaded the program, purchased the extended license and started reading every post i could. In doing so I came across posts on key programming, and 2015 was the last year that could be programmed by Forscan. So renewed interest in my key/fob. I also read that a lot of the Chinese knockoffs would not program and you needed to buy a Stratech key. I purchased the key $105.00. I went to local locksmith and had the key cut. He asked about programming and i told him i used ForScan, they had a field day with that name...LOL. I got home and hooked up my laptop, and it showed 2 admin keys and no MyKeys. I went to the PATS part and hit program ignition key. It took 12 minutes to get into the security mode and horn honked twice and said success. I then turned the key on and off for 8 times and doors locked and unlocked and my FOB was programmed. Now it says there are 3 admin keys programmed and i have 2. Made my purchase of the ForScan Program license and the elm27 adapter worth it. It was also a necessity in programming the new Sync 3 Apim.
