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New pics of the orange bodydropped Sport

He is not a member. Some people know him and say he doesn't know much about his truck because he didn't do any of the work.

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i almost cryed...

i bought the explorer in milton fl. it was rushed together and never finished. it was a few months after the opening pics. i saw it for sale and fell in love (i was 16) my father saw it for what it was and hated it but i was blown away. so he applied for a loan thinking itd never happen.

the truck was built right but rushed towards the end. basically ziptie this and spray paint that. but a few re routed lines and slam specialties bags and she was my daily for all of high school and then some. she rode great and got ALL the attention. when i moved to tampa these guys never seen anything like it. i ended up totalling her about two years ago. i miss her. i had retired her from daily service and she got to just lay around.

ill dig up pics of the things i did and update her. you custom guys are gonna like it.

i found this google searching by the way...

Thats ur opinion....... Id drive that on the street all the time! but that wasen't my point.... That would almost be as retarded as me asking why does it drop the body when you put a body drop on it!
she saw her pavement. everywhere i went for five years.

I'm not following the point of the last part of that post. Maybe I missed something?

That explorer is on a trailer for a reason.
cause he was late

I really doubt they are trailering that explorer because it has so much horse power under the hood that it cant legally drive to the track. Its going to a show or will eventually be going to a show. If you have an explorer like that, you simply don't drive it on the road on a regular basis. You just dont. You say you would, but if you put that kind of money into your explorer (to bag it), I'd like to see you drive it as your daily driver. I'm sure with the paint job and bags they have spent twice as much as I have on my truck and I hate the fact that mine is my daily driver. When you have a sweet truck like that, you dont want to drive it to the grocery store.
the paint held up against everything florida threw at her. regular waxing sir

The engine's stock or the hood would be open. I don't see the point either, keeping it covered all day til the shows come along. I can't see this winning any prizes ($$$) unless it's a pretty small show. I don't like low riders, it would look good maybe lowered an inch or two from stock, but it does have airbags so they probably just lowered it to its lowest position for show. It's still alright but it should be a solid color.

it was all orange:( hideous

I believe those were the 5.7 LS1.... corvette motor.
nope, 5.7 LT1 corvette motors. i wish they were lsx

Ya'll need to realize, you can drive that truck everyday just like an ordinary X. In fact, that thing probably rides better than any X without bags. You know what they say about bags, rides like a caddy. Air bags ride sooo much better than torsion bars as long as they are done right. And yes, that is a lot of money. But you know what, its worth it. I'm in the process of bagging my X right now. And I drive it everyday. The main customizing shop around here even has a body dropped F350 Duallie riding on 22s. And he tows a 60 ft enclosed trailer with it. And he even drove it all the way to Las Vegas from Memphis and back. Form doesn't always have to follow functionality. I even have shaved door handles. And its great for lazy people. U just push a button and the door pops open. You don't even have to pull a stupid door handle. You people need to realize all these slammed trucks are just as functional as regular trucks. They are just able to slam their truck to the ground, and your not able to do so. And these people choose to make their's a trailer baby as I call them. And yes, i think that is stupid. If I build something, you will see me driving the hell out of it. Thats just my two cents.
the truth^

Yeah I partly agree with that. On his StreetSource page, he makes it seem like his buddies did it for him. If so, that's not as bad.

That is a LOT of work though, I didn't know the motor was lowered. :eek:

the original owner spent money. i doubt he himself did ANYTHING to it

I love bagged vehicles. The wheels look bad and not the best color scheme, but good concept.

I love bagged vehicles. The wheels look bad and not the best color scheme, but good concept.

i went with a twenty two inch panther wheel when i bought her. she still layed frame after playing with the front fenders. my girl is bout to start uploading pics for me

i went with a twenty two inch panther wheel when i bought her. she still layed frame after playing with the front fenders. my girl is bout to start uploading pics for me

No crap dude I had Panther Realms on my F150.

Well this is a blast from the past haha. I made this thread 7 years ago :eek:

^ And the beat goes on!

Well put James T.

I also am not into bagged stuff, but I appreciate the work done. I like the paint as a show vehicle. It would look better if the B pillar was black and the windows were blacked out in the front to match the back.
