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New Project And Need Input !

I just picked up a stock '94 with a junk trans in the back and a hole where it belongs for $350 with 160k. I'd say $600 for that one with the lift parts if they're in good condition. Worst case you part it out. I'm on the line about parting mine due to some interesting techniques they used to get the trans out.

You're the best judge of it because it's always determined by your budget. Don't go all googly eyed because it's lifted and big.

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O trust me i don't even want it Unless its under 800 , I'm not really worried about getting it either , I Can Get A SAS explorer sport Running and driving for 2000 , So i'm just waiting it out till he goes down from his Firm 1000

That's a crazy price. You can get a running Explorer (although not in good shape) for that kind of money. Cash in hand always talks.

He keeps saying its worth more , but with it not being able to start it or drive it , No One will pay 1000 for it

Well the Cry Baby Wont budge off of $1000 , I Told Him I Can't Do 1000 , Looks Like I Wasted Everybody Here and My own time trying to Work with him and Get Parts ready for it , Can't Believe He's So Stubborn , He Says he Can Rebuild the trans himself for under 300 with new Everything including the TC , Wow Really Annoys me how People Act over There Rusty Vehicle that they know Nothing about
