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New project

Zach koutz

New Member
February 19, 2017
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City, State
Whiteman AFB
Year, Model & Trim Level
2010 Explorer XLT
I need to know a good leveling kit and the biggest wheels and tires I can fit without a lift or rubbing.

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i'm sure you can fit a 22" inch wheel on the explorer. shouldn't be too hard and shouldn't rub.... I'm assuming you're looking to "dub" out your ride?

i'm sure you can fit a 22" inch wheel on the explorer. shouldn't be too hard and shouldn't rub.... I'm assuming you're looking to "dub" out your ride?
I want something I could use for offroad in

to check what will fit without a lift you might want to ask over in the stock section of the forum they may have a better idea.

31.5" will fit. Depending offset on wheels. Will need to tuck back fender liners with zipties

I ran 265/65-18's on stock wheels with 1" wheel spacers to clear upper balljoint. Fit perfect

Currently run 275/70-18's (33") with the 2.5" traxxx lift.

I'm running 265/65/18 on stock wheels, no lift, with no issues

I used to run BFG All-terrain T/A 265/65/18s on my stock '07 Sport Trac Limited wheels with only a minor rub on the rear fender liners when towing or hauling heavy loads. I switched to Rancho Quick Lift coil overs and solved the rub issues. I have also since switched to BFG 265/70/17s on '99 Mustang Cobra wheels. The Cobra wheels are forged aluminum for strength and they have the same hub bore diameter as the Explorer and a slightly different offset. The finish on the wheels even matches the running board and roof rack trim on the Sport Trac. The overall tire diameter is about the same (31.6") and the 17s are a little less expensive than the 18s. Looks and works great.

Could I fit 18×9's with a 3in front and 2 in rear leveling kit?

31.5" will fit. Depending offset on wheels. Will need to tuck back fender liners with zipties

I ran 265/65-18's on stock wheels with 1" wheel spacers to clear upper balljoint. Fit perfect

Currently run 275/70-18's (33") with the 2.5" traxxx lift.

Areally you running the 275's with wheel spacers
