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New ride!!

Thanks.......I feel better!! And this one was WAY cheaper than all but one other comparably outfited........and it was sold. Most others have been
$18K and up.

I stopped there today on my way home to look at it closer, it has had more paintwork, call me if you want more info, 440 476 4114 Tim, The Salesman was kinda goofy to me asking questions.... I told him I was looking for a "friend" but did not specify who..

call me....

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Thanks BIG TIME to Full Force for the phone call and the heads up on the real details the dealers would seemingly NEVER tell you.

It is absolutely AWESOME to have a guy like Full Force go check out a vehicle for a total stranger (on a weekend) and then offer to be contacted and tell all. I appreciate the brutal truth and expecially from a life long Ford man AND body guy who knows his stuff that most of us (well, me anyway) would never pick up on.

While the info FF gave me was not a deal breaker it certainly is something that should always be disclosed by the seller.......and we all know how that goes........especially from the dealers.

I still feel really good about the deal but am definitely gonna call the dealer and ask some more questions.

Thanks again FF!!!!!!!! :thumbsup:

Thanks BIG TIME to Full Force for the phone call and the heads up on the real details the dealers would seemingly NEVER tell you.

It is absolutely AWESOME to have a guy like Full Force go check out a vehicle for a total stranger (on a weekend) and then offer to be contacted and tell all. I appreciate the brutal truth and expecially from a life long Ford man AND body guy who knows his stuff that most of us (well, me anyway) would never pick up on.

While the info FF gave me was not a deal breaker it certainly is something that should always be disclosed by the seller.......and we all know how that goes........especially from the dealers.

I still feel really good about the deal but am definitely gonna call the dealer and ask some more questions.

Thanks again FF!!!!!!!! :thumbsup:

Call anytime! good luck!

Delta... whats up with that purchase???

Transport order has been placed and should be picked up in the next 3 days......then 2-4 days to me depending on route and other stops.

I am anxiously awaiting!!!!!!! :D

Cool! just checking!! did you ask them any more questions????

Yeah......they gave me the salesman song and dance. They said THEY did not paint anything and that if it was repainted it was not evident.

I told them I had someone come look at it and I rattled off a few areas of concern.......he new EXACTLY what (who) I was talking about!! He said he looked after you left and still didn't see any "problems".

I had him send me more pix of the bumpers and around the door trim. While they were pretty good pix they were not good enough to see any evidence of paint least not to me. Then again, I may not see what you see even if it were right in front of me.

Maybe you could go circle all the spots with a highlighter!!!!! ;)

Either way.......I am knowingly running a risk buying a vehicle in this manner so I am basically hoping for the best and counting on the low price washing out any little defects.........or at least giving me the extra value to fix or touch up a few things.

They have my money so it is all over but the crying now!!!

Hope all is well!! I will see if I have the pics I took still.....I may have deleted them..

Let me know!!

Yeah......they gave me the salesman song and dance. They said THEY did not paint anything and that if it was repainted it was not evident.

I told them I had someone come look at it and I rattled off a few areas of concern.......he new EXACTLY what (who) I was talking about!! He said he looked after you left and still didn't see any "problems".

I had him send me more pix of the bumpers and around the door trim. While they were pretty good pix they were not good enough to see any evidence of paint least not to me. Then again, I may not see what you see even if it were right in front of me.

Maybe you could go circle all the spots with a highlighter!!!!! ;)

Either way.......I am knowingly running a risk buying a vehicle in this manner so I am basically hoping for the best and counting on the low price washing out any little defects.........or at least giving me the extra value to fix or touch up a few things.

They have my money so it is all over but the crying now!!!

Any news??

The news is my mounty is still in Parma!!!!!! :thumbdwn:

I FINALLY got a hit on the transporter pick up for Monday. Then I am sure it will be on a truck going to California first :D

I will call Monday for a firm (yeah right) schedule from the transporter.

I'll keep ya posted!!!!!!

The news is my mounty is still in Parma!!!!!! :thumbdwn:

I FINALLY got a hit on the transporter pick up for Monday. Then I am sure it will be on a truck going to California first :D

I will call Monday for a firm (yeah right) schedule from the transporter.

I'll keep ya posted!!!!!!

Better get a discount!!! let me know how it goes!

Better get a discount!!! let me know how it goes!

Oh no.....these transporters have their rears covered. They have 3 weeks to deliver.......if they don't then I get $25 a day for 5 days (they say that is to get a rental car......must be a yugo). If it takes longer than 4 weeks I am gonna report it stolen...........and give the police their phone number!! ;)

I should have just flew up there are drove it back!!!

Oh no.....these transporters have their rears covered. They have 3 weeks to deliver.......if they don't then I get $25 a day for 5 days (they say that is to get a rental car......must be a yugo). If it takes longer than 4 weeks I am gonna report it stolen...........and give the police their phone number!! ;)

I should have just flew up there are drove it back!!!

I har ya, too late to fly now??

As of today........YES, it is too late!! I called the carrier 3X to get a "precise schedule" as they call it. No one ever answered or returned my call. Today I call the selling dealer to tell them someone is "supposed" to pick up the vehicle.........they guy at the dealer says "Yeah, they are loading it up right now".

Not a call, an e-mail....nothing!! These auto transport brokers are just pimps for any yutz with a trailer. I am sure there are decent haulers out there but I didn't get one!!!!!!!!

Everyone please say a little prayer for my mounty!!!!!!!

As of today........YES, it is too late!! I called the carrier 3X to get a "precise schedule" as they call it. No one ever answered or returned my call. Today I call the selling dealer to tell them someone is "supposed" to pick up the vehicle.........they guy at the dealer says "Yeah, they are loading it up right now".

Not a call, an e-mail....nothing!! These auto transport brokers are just pimps for any yutz with a trailer. I am sure there are decent haulers out there but I didn't get one!!!!!!!!

Everyone please say a little prayer for my mounty!!!!!!!

Cool, hope all is well!!!

Due to arrive at my door in about 2 hours!!! I am pumped!!!!!!!!!

He's busy lighting up the tires on his new Exploder! :D


It is gonna take months and another degree to figure out this navigation system. There are more menus than windows vista!!!!

Two problems even before it got off the truck: 1. Rear drivers tail light popped loose. I can see that they are just pop lock fasteners but it seems to come out easy (easier than the other side anyway). It did pop right back on so maybe just a dab of adhesive on there or is there a better solution. 2. When it first started up it squealed like a stuck pig for 5 minutes. By the time I got it home (7 miles) it was quiet as a mouse. Might have to replace the serpentine belt or maybe it just sat up too long and needed to relieve itself!!

Other than that.........a few minor nicks and a few pretty good scrapes on the sides/undersides of the running boards. Nothing the wife can't match on the opposite side!! :D

The underside is amazingly clean and rust free for being a NY truck for 3 years. Just the muffler and catalytic converter were surface rusty but the undercarriage and running gear looked clean and rust free.

Inside.......a tiny tear in the passenger seat way back in the butt crack area. Almost can't see that one. And a pinky sized tear in the rear passenger head rest......that one is noticeable and will need a leather repair. Anyone have an idea where I can get a home repair kit that actually works and looks decent??? is dark and raining so I am sure I will learn more in the days to come but I can tell you she rides like a dream and has a good bit of pep.


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Sounds pretty good, man. For some reason I have rust on the hardware under the front driver's seat on mine. Oh, well...
