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New Shoes for my ST

what all mods have you done to your truck? i really like the look of it. i have an 01 ST w/ a 3in. Body lift on 285/75 BFG ats. im really digging the 2nd Gens now.

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Truxx lift, wheels & tires, Yakima rack, rear tire/jerry can rack.
I've got a Warn 9000 winch yet to be installed & I'd like to install some lights.
I get a lot of compliments wherever I go - most along the lines "I never thought about doing that but it is the best looking truck I've seen"

Note also that the stock silver Trac in the photos has to be an early '07 because it has a one-piece (non-retractable) rear window.

awesome, ive never seen anyone lift the newer style, but i guess i didnt look hard enough haha. i love the look and the interior is great. i think i found my next truck. :D

The front bumper guard/winch mount is being welded up! I doubt that I'll get it painted before Thanksgiving, but it should be done by next week. I'll post pictures.
Now...what about lights on the Yakima rack...???

I think you could hit a moose and be just fine! Maybe 2 or 3 for that matter.

Looks awesome!

Actually I wish a moose was all I had to worry about. It's cattle and they can totally destroy a normal push bar type setup.
This is HEAVY DUTY unit and will not be a thing of beauty.
Hopefully the weather will hold out (cold with 100% humidity) and it can get to paint.

Truxx lift, wheels & tires, Yakima rack, rear tire/jerry can rack.
I've gat a Warn 9000 winch yet to be installed & I'd like to install some lights.
I get a lot of compliments wherever I go - most along the lines "I never thought about doing that but it is the best looking truck I've seen"

when you install that winch, post pics. im interested to see how you get it on.

That's awesome! Did you fab that entire thing?
And might I suggest additional bumper supports like the cops do if you're worried about cows etc?
They have the normal mount (which I assume you're doing), then they have like 2 support beam pieces welded to the bumper and the guard. That way the bumper provides additional support and keeps the guard from just caves back on to your grille/hood when/if you hit something.

Here's a good example (it was kind of hard to find).

Lower parts go under like a normal guard, then those upper bits attach to the bumper as supports.

Again, it looks absolutely stunning. Good luck with the painting.

I'll try to take some close-ups when I finish. It has a support going back to the frame in the "grill" area and another through the opening below that. Both are attached to the frame. I am also planning a support along the trailing edge of the bumper in front of tires which goes under the white plastic bumper and back to the frame.
I'll try to get some pictures that will help demonstrate - i.e picture worth 1000 words.
Thanks for all the good suggestions. I'm sure that I'll find a dozen things I'd do differently "next time".

measure the fron end height on the center of the wheel wells to the center of the hub, without that beast on there and then after to see if it tips it. if so, then you will know if you will need to remedy that with some sort of block.

I was sitting nose high when I started, so I'm hoping for a better balance after.

This just keeps getting better and better - your ST looks like the stuff of dreams (or of nightmares for people in smaller cars).

Thanks again for sharing.

I posted some finished pictures on a new thread called "new winch mount".

where did you get your truxxx lift from

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