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New Wheels


Well-Known Member
November 24, 2008
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City, State
Overland Park, KS
Year, Model & Trim Level
2002 Limited
Well new to me I picked these up off Donner over the weekend for a really good price,thanks again Donner it was great meeting you and seeing your ex. They are 17x8 American Racing Fuel Teflon coated rims, but Donner had them powder coated a high gloss black because they were a dull gray. Im going to get them wrapped this week most likely in Nitto Terra Grappler A/T 265/70/17. The pictures do the rims no justice they look kind of dull in the pictures but there really shiny and I think they are going to look great on my black ex. I will have more pics later this week of them mounted up.

I dont really like the center caps that came with them because they stick out pretty far and they are still the grey color that the rims used to be. I have two of these procomp center caps laying around from another set of rims that are flush with the rim but not sure if they will work. If they do I will prob. order two more or maybe look online for some diff. american racing ones. What do you guys think looks better the grey or chrome ones?

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looks great cant wait to see how they look installed on ur x

Chrome! They look great! That gray color takes away from the shine... It was nice meeting you all too!

can't wait to see them mounted!!! they are sick rims and for the price you can't beat them

They are going to look good! AS for the gray center cap, paint it black.

Thanks for the compliments im leaning towards the chrome ones but if I stick with the grey they will deff. be painted black. Just ordered my tires and I will be picking them up either friday or saturday. If anyone needs tires check out best prices I could find any where, although it might not be as good of a deal with shipping but there local so its a huge savings for me. $516 for brand new 265/70/17 Nitto Terra Grapplers A/T I couldnt even find them on ebay for that cheap.

Went with the black center caps for now but still leaning towards the chrome, let me know what you guys think. Also I need your opinions on the grill, leave it stock, paint it black, get a billet grill when money allows and either keep it billet or paint it black.





Not too sure if I want to mess with the suspension yet im going for more of an aggressive street look, but I may go with a small lift. Next mods will most likely be 4th gen tail lights, 4th gen mirrors, and prob. a cold air intake. What do you guys think about painting the calibers red or should I just paint them black to stay with the murdered out look and not draw attention away from the rims. Ill also be getting some high temp black paint to spray the tail pipe ASAP as it really stands out now.

Paint it black. Cheap and easy. I did mine the other day and I used satin black with a clear coat. Tapped off the emblem, chrome trim and went nuts:) I really need to do a full detail and take quality pics. Supposed to rain all weekend though:(


