Newb with a question on Ford Recommended... | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Newb with a question on Ford Recommended...


New Member
August 3, 2008
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Year, Model & Trim Level
'03 XLT
...Services. Got this (apparently golden, considering the issues in these posts!) 03 XLT 4X4 Explorer with no real issues. Been doing Ford dealer services since new (though I have to fight them (!) to do what's in the Scheduled Maintenance Guide), and last service (60K mile) ended with the service adviser - then the service manager - insisting that, beyond the required services I needed to have them "Decarb EGR Ports/ and Perform Comb Chamber Service" @ $215, and "Fuel System and Injector Service" @ $180. This, in addition to the 60K service which cost $438+ (of which $255 was labor, $140 was parts and remainder was shop supplies and taxes). I thanked them, demurred, and wrote Ford who could care less. My question: "If these services are really needed, why not have them included in their service procedures?" was not addressed. I was told the dealership knew my vehicle best and what maintenance it required. (!!?) The dealership, of course, is not claiming anything is wrong - truck runs fine...17-19 mpg on the highway and I have a heavy foot! - it's just that they are saying "you need to do these services." What think ye of their BS factor? Or am I "el Stupido" for doing "recommended services" at Ford (and I deserve to pay another $400 for whatever they suggest)? Or was this a reasonable maintenance suggestion for a well-running vehicle? Great Site, BTW. If I ever have any real problems, I know where I can come to...

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my truck never had anything done by ford. When I had the engine apart at 146K, there was not even signs of normal wear! I dont think its needed unless this a known problem area for the 3rd gens.Good luck.

alright, well i just so happen to work at my local dealership. It's recommended not really needed until a little further down the road just to keep everything running properly, but you shouldn't need it.

My Explorer is 15 years old and I've never cleaned the injectors. It sits a lot too, which can cause gum up. But... it hasn't and it still runs like a top. I do throw in an occasional bottle of STP Fuel Injector cleaner.

Those services cost the dealer practically nothing. They make a fortune from the labor.

Welcome to the site:chug:

Agreed, this is usually not much more than injector cleaner in the tank and a little spray down the intake. Don't believe me, ask to watch while they do the entire service. You'll get all kinds of excusses (liability, crowded bays and they can't let everyone in, insurance restrictions etc). For that kind of money they should be putting the injectors on a flow bench and noting flow rates, pressure readings and spray patterns. The only people I've seen do that are high end race engine builders.

Now the comb chamber service, that sounds like a PITA. Whatever that is. Sounds like removing the intake tube, holding open the throttle body and spraying the spacer "comb". Thats just a guess though.

welcome aboard
