Newb with some general questions... | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Newb with some general questions...


New Member
February 16, 2008
Reaction score
City, State
Jonesboro, AR
Year, Model & Trim Level
08 XLT
Well, I test drove a Sport Trac today and liked it and may be getting one sometime this year. I had a couple questions that I figured yall could answer for me to help me on my research. Im a vehicle nut so these arent your normal "does it have x option" questions. Im thinking of modding it already and have some questions related to that.

1. Do they make any coil spacers etc. to lift a 4wd slightly to allow for bigger tires? If so, where could I find them and how much are we talking?

2. If question 1. is indeed true, what size tire can you fit post-lift?

3. What kind of performance enhancements are available for the Sport Tracs (Id be getting one w/ the 4.6 V8)?

Lastly, any general thoughts, complaints, comments or otherwise that I should be aware of in my looking?


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I have a 2007 Sport Trac Limited 4x4, with the 4.6L V-8. It has every option at the time I got it(July 06), less the heated front windsheild( would block my Valentine1 Radar/Laser Detector). While it was really nice as it came stock, have added a Maganaflow catback, and a K&N air filter. Wow, now it sounds and moves like a Mustang(a little more weight). As to the rubber, my OEM 235/65 18 Michelins are toast at 33k. See my pic. I will be staying with my awsome OEM rims, plus sizing the rubber to 265/60 18 Goodyear Silent Amour's(check it out at If you have 18's, the largest you can go (without a lift) some slight rubbing is a 265/65 18. I have not found anybody that has a lift for this new ST. As to more X's, there is a limited amount of stuff on the market right now! I hope that there will be more soon, I got a bug/rock defector from Ford, there are floor mat's and stuff like that avalible.

I have had some trans problems with down shift from 2nd to 1st when coming to a stop. There was a slight thupping sound, Ford Dealer has reprogramed the trans, changed some module on it, oil, and will fix any trans problems while I own it. It shifts fine now. Tow's my 3K boat with no problems!!!!!!Have had some warrenty issues, but nothing major. If it don't work have it fixed under warrenty!!!! I really like this ST, it is alot different than any SUV or Truck, but I think it is one sweet ride. Also there are not alot of them so you will stand out wherever you are!!!!!:salute:

Thanks for the info, and great looking Sport Trac!

You r welcome, hope u get one:usa::salute:

There is no lift for '07+ Sport Tracs because the rear halfshafts go through holes in the framerails. Only option would be a bodylift and as far as I know there isn't one.
Prowling around on I did find a 255/70-17 that might fit. Bridgestone I think.

fordxman u got sound clip of the magnaflows and did u get single or dual
