next wheelin trip... | Page 2 | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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next wheelin trip...

Theres a big pile of rocks, a ditch, ecolgy blocks, and some signs that say otherwise... Dosent matter, you can still double back down to the Y. I think they are just trying to make it easier to ploice for the winter. Do you remember what the elevation is for suprise? We have tried to get up there in the past but always get stuck in the trees where the snow gets deep around the beaver dam.

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4480ft. Not going to be much of a issue unless the snow really starts to come down! Because of the limited places to go on the west side we mostly ran out of the Greenwater area last winter often running in 3ft of snow (no I didn't lead ;-) ) Our main goal most of last winter was Lonesome Lake at about 4800ft. Typically had 3ft of snow and IS freakin cool!!!


Albino leading ......

Plaing with the new Facebook links.



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Cool pic's, I think Forrest is heading for the hills this weekend... might join him if James Duff gets my bushings shiped out in time.

Didn't get into much snow this weekend but I can already tell that I want Irocks before my next snow trip...

Only a couple inches up at Tamarak Springs and it's proabably washed away by now.

The weather for the next couple weeks is looking up, maybe we'll get some accumulation above 5000ft that'll stay?

Gotts fix a couple things first AND I'm on call again starting next Friday. :rolleyes:

Hey I'm new here trying to get to scoop on some good places to go locally. I am in Bellingham but my Explorer is 2wd so I can't do much. We have the little park in portal way and there is academy which I have not been up to yet but I herd it was illegal. Anybody know more about this?

Here's a pic of my X. Stock everything but the wheels/ tires 265/75/16s bf mud terrains and the bumpers/ rack I just finished for it.


Thanks for any info you can give.

Nice looking rig!

2wd isn't going to help you much but you already know that.

Here is a web site with trail descriptions and maps etc. During dry periods, you should be able to run most of the 'moderate' trails.

There is another group that tours back roads/forest roads/Green Dot roads, mostly on the East side of the Cascades. Check here; These are more of 'Adventure' trips than Wheelin trips.

Anyway, welcome!

just ordered new irocks... need to fix my steering and Im ready to hit the snow

could it be...? I thought you fell off the side of the earth...


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Any trails still open from mid Dec to late Dec?

Any trails still open from mid Dec to late Dec?

Yeah, I think so. I'd have to do some research.

Most of the trails around Naches are pretty high so getting to them is the challenge, plus Chinook pass will probably close for the season this weekend so it'll be a LONG drive from here.

There might be some still open around Liberty off SR97

There's always Walker Valley and Tahuya.

Reiter is still under renovation/re-routing of trails.

The way the weather is going, we'll have enough fun snow wheeling forest roads.

Theres always Elbe! Dec. 15th for Evans creek. I think everything on the east side is shut down Dec. 1st for the snowparks. A few spots around Cle elum, and some stuf around e-burg that wont be closed. I think we will just see how far we can get on the logging roads above wilikson or try for suprise lake, maybe get stuck in some drifts up by green watter, there should be lots of snow in the hills... who knows... I cant wait to hit the snow again!

Chuck Norris is alive and well ;). That poor little BII wasn't though :(

Did he get his pump replaced? I threw a spare in my rig for that reason, I even designed my new tank so that I could change it without droping it. Just hope I never have to do it on the trail.

Did he get his pump replaced? I threw a spare in my rig for that reason, I even designed my new tank so that I could change it without droping it. Just hope I never have to do it on the trail.

It's in the shop waiting for the pump to arrive. Jerry keeps that thing pristine and went with motorcraft NOS $$$$$$ plus the tow bill from Cle Elum to Yakima, plus labor. It was an expensive trip. :(

It's in the shop waiting for the pump to arrive. Jerry keeps that thing pristine and went with motorcraft NOS $$$$$$ plus the tow bill from Cle Elum to Yakima, plus labor. It was an expensive trip. :(

All the good ones are :D

Waiting for 4wheel parts to get my tires in, then its on for snow wheelin!

Waiting for 4wheel parts to get my tires in, then its on for snow wheelin!

What was wrong with your old tires? They were'nt nearly as bals as my IROK's

I am looking for the money to buy 3. Those plus my one never used spare will give me a brand new set and then I'll pick the best for a spare.

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could it be...? I thought you fell off the side of the earth...

Okay, guess I deserved that (to some extent), but been busy with other non-4x4 projects. . .

Besides, I'm not as keen as grenading parts as you guys - - not that there's anything wrong with that - - and Kevin will attest, while I was climbing the off camber section of Cliffhanger in Moab, with the 1000' drop-off to the valley below if you f'ed up, my comment to him as my ground guide: "Just understand, I'd rather roll off the edge of the cliff than drag a body panel agianst the rock wall..."

'91 Sport
