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no bass


Active Member
March 24, 2014
Reaction score
City, State
Downingtown, PA
Year, Model & Trim Level
2014 Explorer Sport

I have an Explorer Sport and I am wondering if there is a setting somewhere that I am missing in the sound system for more bass.

I have bass turned up all the way and am on the negative side for mid and treble. I have it set to Stereo mode as Surround sound is worse in terms of base. I also have the auto volume turned off.

All that said it is like a very basic sound system even though I have the fully upgraded system in the sport. I get almost no bass. The odd thing is if I turn on youtube with my phone and watch something like Selfie I can get the system to hit some but pretty much never in any other way.

Is there a setting I am missing? Or is it just that th sound system really does stink. I know the size is vastly different my my wife's focus thumps to the point that we have to keep the bass turned down slightly. I was expecting more of a thump than I am currently getting.

This is my biggest complaint about the truck thus far so any help is greatly appreciated.

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Already did the settings but no bass. Have also confirmed the sub is functional but that said it might be damaged and not hitting like it sound

Already did the settings but no bass. Have also confirmed the sub is functional but that said it might be damaged and not hitting like it sound
There are no other settings other than the ones you have already used. Time for a dealer visit I would think.



I have an Explorer Sport and I am wondering if there is a setting somewhere that I am missing in the sound system for more bass.

I have bass turned up all the way and am on the negative side for mid and treble. I have it set to Stereo mode as Surround sound is worse in terms of base. I also have the auto volume turned off.

All that said it is like a very basic sound system even though I have the fully upgraded system in the sport. I get almost no bass. The odd thing is if I turn on youtube with my phone and watch something like Selfie I can get the system to hit some but pretty much never in any other way.

Is there a setting I am missing? Or is it just that th sound system really does stink. I know the size is vastly different my my wife's focus thumps to the point that we have to keep the bass turned down slightly. I was expecting more of a thump than I am currently getting.

This is my biggest complaint about the truck thus far so any help is greatly appreciated.

Make sure your fade is slightly forward. Unlike most cars the sub runs off the front woofers signal, so if you fade to the back you will actually lower the gain on the sub.

Interesting... I have the same problem on our new Sport.

I test drove a 2013 sport for 3 days and remember thinking it has a kick ass bass sound.

Make sure your fade is slightly forward. Unlike most cars the sub runs off the front woofers signal, so if you fade to the back you will actually lower the gain on the sub.

I will try moving it more forward to see what that does.

I am half inclined to make the dealer let me sit in another one side by side to hear difference.

I know it is different car but the sub in the wife's focus thumps. I had test driven the sport with the baby in the back so did not turn it up and merely assumed. Wont make that mistake again.

I will try moving it more forward to see what that does.

I am half inclined to make the dealer let me sit in another one side by side to hear difference.

I know it is different car but the sub in the wife's focus thumps. I had test driven the sport with the baby in the back so did not turn it up and merely assumed. Wont make that mistake again.

Have you tried fading to the front?
I have, and the more fade to front the less bass it has. To the point that when it's all the way faded front and physically go back by the sub there is very little sound coming out of it.

Not yet. Wife has had car last two days

moving it forward decreased the overall sound in the truck for me as well

if I turn on youtube with my phone and watch something like Selfie I can get the system to hit some but pretty much never in any other way.

I've noticed that the source of the music makes a big difference.

Streaming Bluetooth audio from my phone via Google Play Music is "acceptable" but not fantastic. Marshall Mathers LP2 (flac burned to a CD) never sounds like it has enough bass. The album "Recess" by Skrillex (flac, converted to .wav and played from a USB flash drive) sounds really clean and hits pretty hard.

So I think the Sony 9 speaker system in my 14 Sport is good enough to make flaws really noticeable if the source of your music is imperfect, but not good enough to overcome those imperfections. I wish it had at least a 5 band equalizer to help with this.

Personally, once the weather gets a little warmer I'll probably be unable to resist adding an aftermarket sub and amplifier.
