No Drive or Reverse after fluid change | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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No Drive or Reverse after fluid change


October 30, 2008
Reaction score
City, State
Henderson. Nevada
Year, Model & Trim Level
97 ranger
Okay here is a rehash of problem and what I propose to try and fix it. 1997 Ford Ranger 4.0 80,000 miles, 5R55E tranny.

Bought truck used and have been changing all fluids.
Changed Trans fluid and filter.
Now once it warms up it will die in R or D.
Thinking about it and I remembered that the RPM's ALWAYS dropped to about 500RPM in reverse even before fluid change...Important?

Wasn't thinking when I pulled pan, but there was a chunk of metal in the pan. About 3/8" wide x 1/4" tall x 1/16" thick. looked like a tab that broke off something. Couldn't find anything (didn't know where to look). Now I think it might be the bracket that holds the solenoids. I will check when I drop the pan again.

What my plan is:

Drop pan and VB
redo the VB with the Ford TSB
Superior boost kit?
Change the TCC and probably the EPC (the truck has 80,000 miles).
Put it back together and see what happens.

Any other ideas or suggestions are appreciated.

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How many quarts did you put in and did you just do a pan drop & filter change or did you flush the system too? Also can you maybe provide a picture of the item you found? That would definately help but any metal components found loose is a bad thing.

You can buy a rebuilt VB, I enjoyed doing my own work, but it's an option. Post a pic of that piece if you still have it, might be something someone can ID for you.

Well heck, after looking at it AGAIN I found that the bracket is broke that holds the TCC in place allowing it to pop out. WHEW!! That was easy.

They make an updated bracket. This picture is in Glacier991's photo gallery:

Back to the idling at 500 rpm - you may have a bad IAC - my first one failed this way - it wouldn't raise the idle speed enough when you shifted into R or D and the engine would stall. The cause is that the IAC is sticking closed and not letting enough bypass air to maintain the idle speed. Idle speed for a warm engine should be 760 - 830 rpm for a 97 Ranger with 4.0L and Auto trans.

Thanks dog and Brooklyn. I will look into both of those and get that bracket which I assume I get at Ford.
