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No! IAC!


Well-Known Member
September 27, 2002
Reaction score
City, State
Austin, Texas
Year, Model & Trim Level
2000 XLT
:mad: I am really mad right now guys. My dad informs me when I get home from school that the Explorer isn't working. It won't find an idle...sound familiar? :rolleyes:

So I go out to start her up and she starts up ok, but dies right away. Ok, well then, i'll start it like I do a carbeurated engine, and hold the gas pedal in it a bit. Voila! The engine starts and revs up just fine without any hesitation, but as soon as I let pressue off the pedal to let it idle, it dies. This is definitely IAC isn't it? Please? I am hoping it's not a vacuum leak or something a little more serious... :(

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Sounds like a IAC

It is the classic IAC symptom description:

Dead Link Removed

Dead Link Removed

Dead Link Removed

Also possible, depending on when your engine was built, that the Manifold O-Rings are bad. Search 00M12

Originally posted by Black Magic
Black Magic is at the dealer getting the IAC replaced as we speak. :mad:

So I get to drive a Taurus.
Funny you should say that, check out my sig. ;)

My X is in the shop right now... looks like its the 00M12 service bulletin (manifold gasket). The are going to check it with the computer 1st (which I already had done and it pretty much told the tail). First all they wanted to do was sell me a new IAC (which prolly couldn't hurt to have) but I'm pretty sure its the 00M12 issue. So I made them look into it. Luckily I was under the mileage cutoff. I'll post again after I talk to the shop tomorrow.

Well, X is back, running fine. Though I've yet to start it cold. I'll get to do that tomorrow. I'm a bit pissed though. The did the 00M12 no probs... said the computer indicated that this was 'most' of the issue. He also said needs a new IAC, yeah yeah, I knew that.. no prob I'll change that when I get the xtra cash... (the big 10min job it is). Well, I go to pick it up...they did the IAC already. Apparently he misunderstood me on the phone *wink wink* Another words I wasn't leavin the shop until they could charge me for something. So I paid peacefully for the 168.00 IAC replacement. Why peacefully? well, my bestfriend is friends w/ that dealership's service writer that I delt with, my bestfriend went there with me yesterday to talk to the guy about all this. So I just paid the wasted $100. peacefully so to not put stink on my bestfriend by causing a scene.

Just for anyone wondering if their prob is just a bad IAC. or is it the 00M12 prob....... The way I finally figured it out was IAC will rough idle even when the engine is warm.

The manifold gasket (00M12) will generally only make idle rough on a cold start, and after the engine is warm, runs fine.
My case was a bit of both.
