No spark need help!!!!!!!! | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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No spark need help!!!!!!!!


New Member
May 31, 2013
Reaction score
City, State
Houston, TX
Year, Model & Trim Level
1999 4door
ok so my starter went out. i changed out the starter and thought everything was fine, went to start it and it cranked but no spark. i have been pulling out what little hair i have trying to figure this out. i cannot figure out why there is suddenly just no spark. could it be the pats crap ive heard about i did disconnect the battery so maybe that reset the computer i tried to start the truck by shorting the solenoid. i dont have a ford factory key and i have heard the nightmares about the pats system, but what i have heard is that pats just wont let you crank the engine. PLEASE I HAVE NO IDEA WHY THERE IS SUDDENLY NO SPARK, IM LOST THIS IS MY FIRST FORD. Thank you in advance guys

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If its PATS

Disconnecting and reconnecting the battery should have no affect on PATS. I've done it at least 20 times with no problems. On my 2000 Sport PATS does not disable the starter. If the PCM determines there is a PATS issue it disables the fuel injectors. How did you decide there was no spark? If you spray starting fluid into the main intake and the engine starts and runs for a second or two then you know you have spark and no fuel.

i took off one of the plug wires put a spark plug in and grounded it had a friend crank the engine and no spark. i have tried multiple things. i am literally stuck. my truck is at my friends tattoo shop. i was also wondering if there would be any dtc codes explaining why there is no spark. i have run out of ideas and this is my only vehicle please anyone with ideas toss them out

Could be crank sensor

I had a similar problem a few weeks ago - engine would not start. checked fuel pressure and that was ok. then checked spark and no spark. mechanic diagnosed the crank sensor and replaced that part and all has been well since then. Mechanic said crank sensor detects when pistons are at TDC to trigger spark at correct time. so the crank sensor must operate correctly to allow spark.

alright thank you i will give that a shot tomorrow i really appreciate all the advice guys
