Noise Somewhere in Front end | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Noise Somewhere in Front end


Active Member
October 20, 2008
Reaction score
City, State
Guyton, GA
Year, Model & Trim Level
1997 XLT
My wife was driving our 97 Explorer (4.0 SOHC) from Cleveland back to Savannah yesterday. She said somewhere in WV a noise started in the front end (didn't tell me b/c she thought I would get mad). Well I drove it to work this morning. I have to say its like a roaring sound. My guess is a hub/wheel bearing. Does that sound right? It doesn't seem to be the brakes. It makes the same noise whether on or off the brakes. And neither of the front wheels got hot after driving it. It gets louder as I go faster. What do you think?

Oh yea, its 2WD.

Another edit...The speedometer works but the odometer doesn't do anything. Another problem I need to figure out.

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Do the 2WD models not have the front hub assembly?

Jack up the front tires one at a time and move them in and out fron 12 to 6 and see what you have for play. If it's a wheel bearing and grinding as bad as you say there should be a lot of play there.

I'll try that as soon as I get home! If theres no play, what else could it be? I need to figure this out b/c I have to drive it to Atlanta Thursday morning.

So what would make the speedometer work but nit the odometer?

OK, just checked it. Not really any play in either, but the passenger side is really noisy when spinning. Should I pull all of it off and check the bearings?

OK, just checked it. Not really any play in either, but the passenger side is really noisy when spinning. Should I pull all of it off and check the bearings?

If it's noisy, then it's probably bad. If your pulling it apart, you might as well just put it back together with new parts. If I remember right, the 2wd'd don't have the sort-of expensive hub assembly. It should just be some pretty cheap old-school wheel bearings. Another way to check them is to steer from left to right and back pretty hard (in an empty parking lot, or lightly traveled road). If the noise is more noticeable when you turn left (loading the right front), then it's a good sign that it's your passenger side bearings. If it makes more noise the other way, then it's the left/driver's side. If they get louder both directions, and quiter straight ahead, then it's both.

You should probably do both sides at the same time anyway. Kinda' like brakes. Doing only one side is a bad idea.

Yea, thats what I was thinking. When I was driving it back home I was steering back and forth and its noisier with a load on the passenger side. I guess I'll pull it apart when I get back home and replace stuff. Anything special I need to do when replacing them?

Did you check the brake pads? I know it sounds easy but if the pads gone it will grind. Usually with a bearing, by the time it gets to growlintg she's got a fair amount of play, although the pressure on one side causing worse grinding sounds like a bearing.

The pads are less than a year old and they look fine. I did the passenger side last night. What a difference! I will do the drivers side sometime today. I just hope I used enough grease and did everything right. Bearings always scare me, ha.
