Normal running temp... I have a question | Page 2 | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Normal running temp... I have a question

Good going!! You should not have any more stat problems. For some reason, Ford just makes a crappy thermostat. (Don't know WHO their supplier is).

I have a friend who works at a Ford dealership at the parts counter, and even he told me to stay away from Ford thermostats, he says they go through a lot of them. I believe it!! ;)

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Gasket? I thought the OHV engines only had the O-Ring around the thermostat and didn't have a traditional gasket.

Originally posted by dwnthehatch
Problem solved. It took less than 1/2 hour to replace the thermostat and antifreeze on my 98 OHV. I used a 195 degree stant thermostat and new gasket. The part #'s are 13959 for the Stant thermostat and 35404 for the Fel-pro gasket.

Cool... I'm gonna do it this coming weekend....

Originally posted by BradE.
Gasket? I thought the OHV engines only had the O-Ring around the thermostat and didn't have a traditional gasket.

That's what I meant. :confused:

Done and done

Okay so this weekend me and a friend of mine changed out my thermo. It's tricky, cause one of the bolts is underneath the upper radiator hose, but we got it out of there. Sure enough, stuck open. So we replaced it with a new one, and now my heat is so hot I have to open the windows to cool off! :D

Also, speaking of radiator flushing. When we drained out my fluid, it was this sickly dark green/brownish color. REALLY bad. So now I have fresh fluid, with a new thermo. Winter..... here I come!!

Thanks to everyone who replied. It was a big help. :cool:

Well, I am new to this site. Recently sold my Nissan 240 SX for a '98 X Sport. The 240 sucked in the snow and had no room for my snowboard, can't wait to test out the X. Anyways, I have had the same probs as above and just changed my sending unit which changed nothing, I'll be changing the stat as soon as possible. Thnx for the help.
