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not many miles on the x

mynameisaric said:
I don't get it... but well noted. Won't mention it again.

no do not go that far lol..
I remember one huge debate about oil being made from dinos. and others say that is totally impossible and not feasable..

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I have not changed my driving a bit. I have put over 8,000 miles on mine since since January of this year. When school starts up again, I will be putting a lot of miles on it daily.

i have not either it is so hard to change a driving habit.. reason why they call it a habit lol

i think the only thing i've changed, and it was becuase of the lift and not because of gas, is my cornering.

I'm trying to not drive as much...and if it's long trips I'll get a friend with a smaller car to drive, but as for going around with the G/F i'm not a fan of being driven around by a me whatever you want, I just don't like the feeling. So I'm pretty much always the driver with her. I just spend less on other things and more on gas. =]

aldive said:
You think that's bad? Try filling up my boat ( 200 gallons ) at marina fuel price. In the Summer, we refill several times a week.

if you can afford that boat then you can afford the gas :p no excuses

93FoRdExPlOrEr said:
My parents pay for even though it costs 75$ to fill my tank....i still drive the same as i used to.

i wish my parents would pay for mine! what grade fuel do you use, and how much is it a gallon,

around here its at $2.55 for 87 if it goes over $3 the xplorer is going to get parked or sold

yesterday all 3 were on empty..

2002 Explorer took $49.00
1995 Explorer took $43.00
1998 Windstar took $37.00

All within 2 jhours... now that sucks.
worst thing is 3 days from now 2 of them will be there again..

yeah, prices are going through the roof,
98 ranger 2.39 a gallon, took about 29.00 to fill up
2002 explorer sport, 2.35 a gallon, $37. and some to fill that up, thank god the x stays put mon-friday, unless it's time to get groceries :) they say it's going to be up to 3 dollars in the northern VA area,, Just heard on on of the news stations that we all might as well get used to it, prices arent going anywhere but up,, HYBIRD time? I'm starting to hate this! Wonder if we go to war w/ IRAN like bushy is wanting to, Do u think that Oil prices will go down then?? HMM??/ just a thought,

There is one thing that has helped reduce the least in my area. Giant Eagle has this new thing called Fuel Perks, for every 50$ you spend on groceries, you get .10$ off a gallon of gas up to 40 gallons. I just do the grocery shopping for my rents and in return they let me use my giant eagle card and keep the savings, in one week I've already got .20$ of savings, so if gas is 2.43 i'll be filling up for 2.23, I'll probably wait till I have 1.00 saved off, god it'll be nice to fill up for 1.60 again =]

I ride with my friends/gf as much as I can on weekends now. And absolutely NO CRUISING anymore. I fill up once a week now with premium @ $55 a tank. No fun what so ever.

My daily commute to work is over 100 miles round trip. My 01 Sport (204,000 miles) is getting upper teens in mixed driving. Less if I get stuck in rush hour traffic. Just a few months ago I was able to put $10 a day in the tank. Now it is $15+.

Took a trip last weekend (350+ miles). Averaged over 21 mpg highway.

My other vehicle definitely does not agree with the current gas prices.
(1970 Mustang Fastback - 428 CJ)

Driving my explorer is worth the cost of gas. I wouldnt trade it in for any of those hybrids or 4 bangers.

Gas has me really thinking about a lift/bigger tires.... I have a pretty long drive to school now, and I think for now I'm just gonna put 'gas friendly' mods on the X... such as a throttle spacer, flowmasters, intake etc.

filled up today for $2.38 with a $.3 discount..ended up being $41.00...not to bad..i can deal with it. an the truck is getting good MPG about 15.5-16 in town.

my wife gets to drive my 2002 Explorer so for me it is either my 1995 which gets maybe 9 or the Windstar with me driving gets about 23. so it is back to driving a mini van all week to work and use my Explorer maybe on the weekends now.
I was putting $40.00 in every 3 days when I drive my 1995.
a little much if you ask I can use the van and go all week on $30.00
