NWExplorers BBQ | Page 6 | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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NWExplorers BBQ

Diff Whack Daddy said:
Oh yeah, I have directions and stuff, but what time?
They start serving around 11:00-11:15 If we want to fill their 25 space lot, we should be a little early. If you are bringing a trailer, come early or you might have a hard time getting back out of the lot.


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Thanks for the pic of the place....

Now I know what to look for... I plan to be there about 10:30ish

Well I just printed the map from Yahoo! Maps.....70.7mi's & and an estimated travel time of 1:44 If we leave here at 9:00. We should arrive there at about 10:30-10:45


Most of that time would be on the boat. Once you hit land, it will be about 20 minutes. :navajo:

hey i live down in eugene, OR, whats the date and location, i might wanna go wheelin :exporange

We are meeting up for a BBQ and to discuss a potential run in the Naches are this summer. I doubt there will be any wheeling, but who knows, a few of us may head over to Reiter Pit afterwards.

One way or another you should come up and meet the "man" as well as some of your fellow explorer junkies :D

That travel time calls for the drive AROUND (SR303 to SR304 to Hwy3 to Hwy16 to I-5 to I-405).....I hate the ferry system anyway......besides why the heck would I wanna pay for 2 X's to get on the boat? It would cost just as much to fill them both up.....We love to drive anyway.

We always stop in Southcenter to do a bit of shopping (Mall, & IKEA), but I hear the Bellevue Mall is real nice, and I might wanna do a bit of shopping when I am there too.

When we get there, I'd like to hear some opinions on the exhaust on my Green X......


what exhaust system did you toss on it. i have the flowmaster bigblock 7.4L v10 system dual in dual out

I have a custom 3" catback with a Ravin (Midas' Flowmaster) Muffler. I REALLY like the exhaust tone, and get compliments on it all the time. I didn't notice ANY loss in torque, like everyone expects me to. I think it's because the exhaust manifolds and cat create enough backpressure still that it doesn't effect me....


Someone will have to take notes for me, I will be having to work saturday till noon :thumbdwn:

jrgaylor said:
Someone will have to take notes for me, I will be having to work saturday till noon :thumbdwn:
Bummer :(

I guess I'll just have to bring some down to you next weekend (along with all the JD lift parts ;) )

3 more days!

So, is everyone hungry yet?

Y'all got directions? Basically; from I-405 take SR 520 East (toward Redmond) exit at the first one East of 405, 130th Ave NE, turn right at the light at the end of the exit. You will now be on Northup, head back towards I-405 and Dixies will be on the right. The overpass you see in the picture is I-405. It's pretty easy to miss the driveway if you are not paying attention.

See Y'all there! :burnout: :bounce:

Whooo Hoooo....

The weekend is almost here.... Yup, I'm still hungry :D

I'm ready NOW....

Today I recieved, AND installed in the same day, my new (to me) Saleen Rims, and my Front Drop Springs.

Can't wait `til Saturday...


doesnt look like i'll be making it. I got my block back today....I'll be at the shop assembling my new engine.....a ford straight 6 @ approx 320 cubic inches.....

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