OH NO!! spark plug is stuck... | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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OH NO!! spark plug is stuck...


Well-Known Member
August 7, 2002
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Upstate New York
Year, Model & Trim Level
2005 4.0L 4x4 XLT
I removed all of my spark plugs except one, it is REAL tight. I even put a 1/2" drive rachet on there, but I am affraid to break/strip the plug. What should I do, spray some WD-40 around the plug (will that harm anything??), also is it better to try an remove the plug when the engine is cold or hot??

I installed new plugs about 20,000 miles (1 year ago) right after we bought the X b/c it was running bad. I couldn't get a one of the plugs out then, THE SAME CYLINDER, so we took it back to the used car dealer and they got it out, in 4-5 pieces. So it was them who must've overtightend this plug b/c I installed the other 7 and they came out no problem. We have no warranty or anything, we've had the X over a 1.5 years, so I guess it is up to me to try and get this plug out. Any suggestions??

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just wrecnh it out, and deal with the reprocussions if any later... mine were really stuck (factory plugs) at 108k, and i had to change mine at the offroad parki n the dirt with tools i borrowed from my dad, as i had left all mine at work.....

let the

truck run for a bit to warm up and then try to remove it ,

that might be all you need to get it out because of you will heat it up by running it for a bit and if all goes well when you replace it use a anti siese lube on the threads before you install them so they will come out easier next time.

if you happen to strip the hole out and have to use a helacoil get the good ones that are made of stainless steel and not the spring looking ones that dont hold up very well when removing the plug the next time.

Are you sure you can even use the rethreading kits for a cylinder head? I would think that there would be too much pressure to use those inserts...

...I've never heard of that, do you know someone that has done it? How long did it last? Wouldn't you have to take the head right off, as to keep from letting metal shavings fall into the cylinder?

The reason why I'm asking is, my old car stripped a plug out from the head (my fault) but the dealership were nice to me and replaced the head under warranty. Saved me $2600!:)

Now I'm a little "gun-shy" to change the plugs in my Ex.:(

well the real question is, at only 20k, why are you replacing the plug? it should still be as good as new.

Ditto Mcgyver's comments, i use anti- sieze everytime i change them, really helps. I wonder if its that one all way back on passenger side, that one is ALWAYS a *****!!

If it does strip, as long as the head is deep enough a helicoil will be fine. I know the Lightning guys talked about it alot since the 99-02s only have like 4 threads and plugs blow out all the time (Actually all 5.4s through 2002) but the aluminum head is so thin there isnt enough for a helicoil to work.

Assuming that you can get it out without stripping the threads, before you put in the new one you should "chase" the threads with a thread chaser to avoid the same thing next time. Also, anti seize is a good idea as well.

thread chaser

thechemist--I had a REAL bad miss the past week, I got the code read and it was cylinder 1 misfire, so I removed the spark plug in cylinder 1 and the gap was .090" and the insulation was cracked. I replaced that plug. Then I decided to remove the other plugs to see wht they looked like, and the other six (besides the one I replaced and the one I can't get out) all their gaps are around .070", when I installed them I gapped them to .052" like your suppoesed to. I re-gapped them and re-installed them. So I guess these plugs are wearing out pretty fast, what would cause this?? They are Champion Platinum's, some people on this site told me I should be using Motocraft or Autolites, which I will try next time, but I really don't see why it should it should make a difference.

Thanks for all the help guys.

I guess I will crank down on that plug with the 1/2" rachet, and worry about if it breaks later. I will also try when the engine is warm. I'll let ya'll know what happends.

Thanks again.

if you

use the good helicoil they are self taping and they will also add about 1/16" to 1/8" more threads for the plug to hold on to.

and yes you can use the rethreading kits it is used all the time but like i said i use the better thread kits and not the spring looking ones and also after you do tap it out be sure to blow out the cylinder to remove all the fragments or you will have more problems down the road.

just one more tip for you to think about .
