oh those bumper brakcets | Page 2 | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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oh those bumper brakcets

Here is a pic of what i am talking aobut

I just bent my bracket to compensate for it, but my bumper now sits about 1" forward

Here you can see my bumper a lil forward

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Well I got the front fixed. Basicly I just pulled the bumper and the brackets off and put it all back together again. I straightened out the brackets and then attached them to the frame rails first, and then put the bumper on. I did it the other way the first two times, and it was no good. It took some fooling around with it to get it to go on without a sag, tightening and loosening different bolts, but in the end it came out almost perfect. I'll post some pics tomorrow.

I'm going to take another crack at the rear later this week or next week sometime.

BTW, thank you everyone for your help with this. Hopefully anyone else who has this problem will come accross this thread.

I'll update it with the rear too.

Here's my front bumper after I fixed it. It's almost perfect, and I'm pretty happy with it.



  • bumper-fixed-1.jpg
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  • bumper-fixed-2.jpg
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sorry to bring this back to life after two years but did u use the brackets they gave you in the kit or the dimensions provided sgr1600? i was kinda lookin forward to doing this in one day and make the brackets before hand, know what i mean? yours came out great btw.
