Oil change warning?? | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Oil change warning??


Well-Known Member
December 28, 2007
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Columbia, CA
Year, Model & Trim Level
'08 Sport Trac XLT 4x4 V8
My truck has usually given the dash warning of "oil life left 20%" or at what ever level, with a daily countdown. I have performed my own oil changes for the last year and a half.

This morning I get the warning "change oil soon". No oil life % left, did the in dash diagnosis, just said "change oil soon" again. I figure this is a built in "warning" to get me in the dealership to attack my credit card. My last oil change was only 1500 miles ago. The truck has 26600 miles on it.

Any one experience this? Any codes to enter to end this?

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I have to "reset" the oil change % everytime I change the oil in my 07 XLT on/in the message/info center. PITA to do but necessary unless you want that warning everytime you start the ST. check the owners manual for directions.

I have reset each and every time I change oil.
The last oil change was only 3 weeks ago.

I have reset each and every time I change oil.
The last oil change was only 3 weeks ago.
Then you didn't reset it like you thought you did. Also there is a percentage you can pick through, 100% (7500 miles), 90%, 80%, etc.

Yes, I have always checked each month for the percentage.
This "warning" is only three weeks after the last oil change. Yes, I we all hate to sit thru the program of the diagnosis and reset. I have done this many times, as most of us have done.

The in dash program does not offer any more info than "Change oil soon". Again, I repeat, I beleive this is merely a dip into the credit card fish.

Reset - how to?

I bought my Explorer used and don't have an owners manual. So I don't know the reset procedure.

I too change my own oil and did so within the last 1500 miles.

I set it to 100% but it still gives me the "change oil soon" warning.

Can someone please advise the proper prcoedure for reseting the warning?


usually it complains when you have less then 10% oil life kinda like a friendly reminder that you will need one soon eventually it changes to oil change required when you need to change it

I bought my Explorer used and don't have an owners manual. So I don't know the reset procedure.

I too change my own oil and did so within the last 1500 miles.

I set it to 100% but it still gives me the "change oil soon" warning.

Can someone please advise the proper prcoedure for reseting the warning?


Online Owners Guides

On Line Owners giude

Thanks but that link has timed out. Is there an access code that I am missing?

Yeah I got what I needed on a second attempt. it must have been in a bad mood earlier.


Really odd/funny here as the OP to this thread.
I have put up with this asinine warning for 9 months or so. Drove only 2000 miles since that last oil change.
I went thru the start up menu Tuesday and did the whole menu and selected renew 100% oil change and it stuck.

Really odd/funny here as the OP to this thread.
I have put up with this asinine warning for 9 months or so. Drove only 2000 miles since that last oil change.
I went thru the start up menu Tuesday and did the whole menu and selected renew 100% oil change and it stuck.

Mine went off a few weeks ago. I had set it to 100% and wanted to run the full 7500 miles for a used oil analysis but it went off because it had been 6 months since the last oil change. Had about 6500 miles on the oil.

Yes, the whole timeline is a ploy to get us in the service bay to suck on our credit cards. Oil does not care about age just wear.

Oil does not care about age just wear.
I wouldn't go that far. On cars that aren't driven a lot, condensation takes its toll on the oil as well. I have an extended warranty so I changed it just to have a record of it in case there are any issues down the road. In my case in the winter and early spring I simply don't put on many miles. On my mom's car I change the oil once a year and call it good. She puts on maybe 4000 a year and it sits in the garage for the winter when they're in Florida.
