Oil Gauge clicks at times | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Oil Gauge clicks at times


Well-Known Member
June 6, 2021
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2002 ST 4WD Premium
This hasn't happened but a couple of times since I've owned the truck. I've only noticed this when I'm idling. I will have normal oil pressure then out of the blue the gauge will drop to zero then back up to normal. It will do this a couple to 3 or 4 times and click. This would be in the matter of say 2 seconds. I would guess to say the clicking is from the needle hitting the bottom point of the gauge.

I don't think the sender would cause this unless the wire was barely on the sensor and it would do this more frequently I believe. But I've been wrong before... according to my wife.:eek:

I'm leaning towards the cluster so is there a way to test the gauge itself in the cluster? I'm replacing the cluster bulbs soon and this would be a good time to check the gauge.


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This hasn't happened but a couple of times since I've owned the truck. I've only noticed this when I'm idling. I will have normal oil pressure then out of the blue the gauge will drop to zero then back up to normal. It will do this a couple to 3 or 4 times and click. This would be in the matter of say 2 seconds. I would guess to say the clicking is from the needle hitting the bottom point of the gauge.

I don't think the sender would cause this unless the wire was barely on the sensor and it would do this more frequently I believe. But I've been wrong before... according to my wife.:eek:

I'm leaning towards the cluster so is there a way to test the gauge itself in the cluster? I'm replacing the cluster bulbs soon and this would be a good time to check the gauge.

I have 2005 Sport Trac and it does the same thing. I put a straight fitting where the sensor goes on the block, and put a T fitting on that. Then put a new sensor on one side and the hose of a standard pressure gauge on the other side so I could read the pressure when it did it. When I start my truck the gauge reads between 40-50 psi. But once it gets warm it reads around 25 psi. When the cluster gauge drops and goes back up, usually at idle, my pressure is around 5-15 psi. I read that the sensor opens when pressure is low and closes when pressure is high. Or something like that. I've replaced the sensor 3 times, and each time it eventually does it again.

At 5 psi the factory switch drops out
5psi is low low low oil pressure
Seems to me the factory switch is working at that point indicating an actual oil pressure problem

First thing to do it exactly like sparkofnature said, remove the factory switch and install a true oil pressure gauge for testing or tee them off so you can monitor pressure and watch the factory gauge

Unfortunately when this happens often it is a loss of oil pressure and needs to be addressed. Typically a loss of pressure in these engines is due to the over abundance of sludge inside … not enough oil changes or the engine is just worn out
Sludge can be remedied with detergents otherwise you are looking at rebuild time

I don't think it's switch issue though. The gauge sits right around 1/2 gauge and will drop to zero then back up to normal 2-3 times in a second or two and then be normal again. I did change the oil this weekend so I will see if that changed anything. Again, this is very intermittent.

I agree with the aftermarket gauge sets, much more accurate.

Well it’s not a gauge it’s a switch
So anything over 5-6 psi = reads in the middle because you have pressure
Below 5 psi drops to the bottom and hits the pin
Think of it like a low oil pressure light
Bulb not an actual sweeping gauge

Chances are very good that you actually have a low oil pressure situation especially if you have already changed the sensor once and then same thing occurs
Mechanical gauge is the only way to know for sure

Well it’s not a gauge it’s a switch
So anything over 5-6 psi = reads in the middle because you have pressure
Below 5 psi drops to the bottom and hits the pin
Think of it like a low oil pressure light
Bulb not an actual sweeping gauge

Chances are very good that you actually have a low oil pressure situation especially if you have already changed the sensor once and then same thing occurs
Mechanical gauge is the only way to know for sure
So, silly question then...

When the fuel is low enough the "check gauges" light comes on. It does not do that in this case. I would think it would set off the CEL when the oil pressure would drop like it does as well.

Is this not the case with the oil pressure gauge?

Zero oil pressure should result in a check gauges light yes

The check gauges light works when

Fuel is low
Coolant temp is high
oil pressure is low

The pcm does not monitor or know oil pressure
The pcm does not control the “check gauges light”

This hasn't happened but a couple of times since I've owned the truck. I've only noticed this when I'm idling. I will have normal oil pressure then out of the blue the gauge will drop to zero then back up to normal. It will do this a couple to 3 or 4 times and click. This would be in the matter of say 2 seconds. I would guess to say the clicking is from the needle hitting the bottom point of the gauge.

I don't think the sender would cause this unless the wire was barely on the sensor and it would do this more frequently I believe. But I've been wrong before... according to my wife.:eek:

I'm leaning towards the cluster so is there a way to test the gauge itself in the cluster? I'm replacing the cluster bulbs soon and this would be a good time to check the gauge.

My oil pressure guage has the DT's - it twitches between 3-4 often. The other day out of nowhere it twitched, then went down to 2, then twitched between 0.75 and 1.5 for awhile, with the light occassionally coming on.

After I cramped my hole from a long pucker, I suspected I have either a ground or sender issue possibly? Oil level and temps remain fine.

I shut it down, parked, came out hour later and it was fine for 2 days. It happened again yesterday, exact same scenario: on way home from work - meaning - after car had been sitting since going out @ lunch. AND, it corrected itself after parking, running into store, and coming out.

Anyone care to shed any light on this for me? Greatly appreciated.

Unplug the sensor wire and then plug it back in
Do this about 10-20 times
This will clean any corrosion off the end of the connector

If there is no or low oil pressure you should hear it in the engine. Ticking and crank bearing noises (rod knock) would happen real soon if there is no pressure

I would still install a manual gauge just for peace of mind, I keep one in the shop just for this purpose

If it is not the oil pressure switch (because you replaced) the logic tells us it is:
Wire from switch to dash
Oil pressure gauge itself
Or a plugged passage leading to the oil pressure port

This hasn't happened but a couple of times since I've owned the truck. I've only noticed this when I'm idling. I will have normal oil pressure then out of the blue the gauge will drop to zero then back up to normal. It will do this a couple to 3 or 4 times and click. This would be in the matter of say 2 seconds. I would guess to say the clicking is from the needle hitting the bottom point of the gauge.

I don't think the sender would cause this unless the wire was barely on the sensor and it would do this more frequently I believe. But I've been wrong before... according to my wife.:eek:

I'm leaning towards the cluster so is there a way to test the gauge itself in the cluster? I'm replacing the cluster bulbs soon and this would be a good time to check the gauge.

You need to realize that it’s not a gauge, it’s the functional equivalent of an ‘ idiot’ light, the sender triggers on and off somewhere around 8 psi. If you have 9 plus psi the ‘gauge’ shows a mid point ‘pressure’, if it drops below the on/ off point the dial drops to zero. It may be trying to tell you you have low oil pressure at idle.

Well it’s not a gauge it’s a switch
So anything over 5-6 psi = reads in the middle because you have pressure
Below 5 psi drops to the bottom and hits the pin
Think of it like a low oil pressure light
Bulb not an actual sweeping gauge

Chances are very good that you actually have a low oil pressure situation especially if you have already changed the sensor once and then same thing occurs
Mechanical gauge is the only way to know for sure


All the gauges - fuel, oil pressure, temp, battery - in my '04 Sport Trac clicked and bounced at 0 for a few seconds at start-up yesterday. That's the only time it's done it as far as I know. After just enough time for me to notice and get concerned, they all behaved normally.

This sounds like a wiring issue or connection issue at the cluster
In my Experience w vehicles they do not “self heal”
So if it happened once it will happen again…. Eventually

We can check the 04 wiring diagrams at the cluster to see what all of those gauges have in common, my guess is they all share the same power feed wire

Forgot that the digital trip odometer cleared as well. I much prefer the analog trip odometer that only clears when I want it to.

Did it again yesterday. Both times, it was cranking and the automatic door locks interrupted the cranking. (I don't like those, either. I've tried to disable it without success.) It does that now and then, so maybe it's messed with the gauges before and I just haven't noticed.
