oil issue | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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oil issue

arthur gordon

December 11, 2017
Reaction score
City, State
st louis
Year, Model & Trim Level
06 explorer eddie baur
Hello I have a question about oil. I would be grateful for any input. I have a 06 EB V6 I am 750 miles into a reman engine. My question is I'm concerned it hasn't absorbed any oil yet. I had oil changed at the first 500 miles. The next oil change, I am anticipating at the 3K mark. I am using conventional 5W-30W. Thank you,

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What do you mean “absorb” oil? The motor isn’t porous. It’s not gonna suck up oil. If you put it in the crank and it doesn’t leak it, or burn it, the level will never change.

What do you mean “absorb” oil? The motor isn’t porous. It’s not gonna suck up oil. If you put it in the crank and it doesn’t leak it, or burn it, the level will never change.
For some reason I was expecting the new engine would use the oil for whatever reason.

Your probably thinking the seals would absorb some. And even if they did, it wouldn't be much. You want an engine to keep the level the same.

Your probably thinking the seals would absorb some. And even if they did, it wouldn't be much. You want an engine to keep the level the same.
Thank you. That is exactly what I was thinking.

Yes, you did the right thing by changing the oil early the first time, with conventional oil. It's been an old recommendation to not use synthetic oil until. Evidently today it's supposed to be okay to change earlier on, I'd still wait until after a good break in period. The next time you change oil, I'd say use synthetic from now on, and don't ever go past 5000 miles for oil in the SOHC 4.0 engines. Those are critical to only have really clean oil in them, for the best lifespan from the tensioners especially.

Ford didn't do a fine job in the design of the valvetrain, most people know this. But they should not have also suggested longer oil intervals for the 4.0, I wouldn't push my luck past 5k intervals.
