oil pump bolt torque????!!!! | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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oil pump bolt torque????!!!!


October 3, 2008
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99 sport
what is the correct torque for oil pump bolts for a 1999 4.0 ohv.
haynes said 156 to 186 ft pounds. thought it was crazy sounding.
but i tried it anyway and streched the bolts. cant find this info anywhere.

Man I am surprised your bolts didn't break!!!

When I built my last Ford V8 I used 23-27 ft. lbs...When I replaced my oil pump on my 99 X I used 17-20 ft. lbs...

I cannot remember the factory specs and I am not at my desk with my Ford shop manual.. I will look at it later today...

BTW did you replace the pickup as well? It is cheap insurance...Especially if the engine has lots of miles on it...Metal fatigue and all that...

Update: Got home and checked oil pump bolt torque...Service manual listed torque at 13 ft.lbs.

It's probably INCH pounds, not foot pounds. That would be 13-15 ft-lbs.
