ok, I screwed up......... | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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ok, I screwed up.........


Active Member
July 17, 2004
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1996 eddie bauer
I installed a radiator and everything went fine. I developed a small leak on the upper transmission cooling line at the bolt that goes to the radiator. I decided to take the bolt out and put permatex on it, and when I started to unscrew it, I twisted the cooling line. I have to get this thing out or it will continue to leak. I did however out permatex on the transmision cooling line connector, so when I try to seperate the two connections, the transmission lines kinks further. Any ideas?

Also, I tried to largest wrench in my set 7/8, and it is too small........besides a crescent wrench, do they make one larger?

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I'm not sure, but I believe there should be 2 hex surfaces at the fitting. One is fixed on the line, and the other is threaded. What ou need to do is put a wrench on the fixed hex to keep it from turning, and another wrench on the thread fitting to unscrew it.

Try a 15/16", maybe larger.

that is what I was doing but since I put permatex on the nut that is connected to the transmission line, it twisted the actual line, and now it has a small hole in it. Can I cut and spice it, or will I have to have it replaced?

How close is the damage to the fitting? If close enough I would think you can trim the line and re-flare the end, making up the loss with some careful bending.

I am going to try that today. Can I still flare it when it is connected?

you dont know what flaring is.
No you cannot flare it with it connected. you need to replace the broken section of line, you can either use metal or rubber, but likely you will need to cut the piece on there past the new hole you made, re flare the end and if its long enough go into the radiator, if not you will have to run a small section of rubber line between the metal line with the hole in it and a new metal line going into the radiator.
Permatex will not stop it, the tranny cooling system is pressurized and this leak needs to be fixed. You tweaked the metal line = ouch!
Yes they make wrenches of all sizes, up to even 2" and larger.
