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Older Duff Kits


Active Member
March 28, 2005
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Smuggler's Cove, AK
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88 RBV (RIP)
Anyone here have an older Duff kit? I'm considering buying a used kit. It is presently installed on a '93 Explorer. The owner said it is an older Duff kit. It has the double shock hoop instead of the shock mounts integrated into the coil bucket and the extended radius arms have bushings instead of heim joints. The radius arms are blue and marked Duff, the rest of the parts are red.

I noticed that the drop bracket on the passenger side axle beam seemed very close to the diff case. Quite a bit closer than the stock bracket on my truck. It also seems closer to the diff case than the drop bracket I've seen in photos of newer style Duff kits. How much clearance is there supposed to be between this bracket and the pumpkin? I'm wondering if the axle pivot drop brackets are Duff brackets or whether they may be from another kit. Were older Duff brackets red?

Anyone care to post a photo of their Duff axle pivot drop brackets?



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The red springs in the photo are Skyjacker springs.


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How old are your Duff brackets? Based on your photos and two others that were posted on The Ranger Station, it looks to me like the springs and brackets are Skyjacker combined with old-style Duff radius arms.

I searched this board earlier today and found a post which described some problems when combining SKyjacker and Duff parts, but I think it was Skyjacker radius arms combined with Duff brackets. I'll have to search again.

Thanks for your reply :thumbsup: :D


the early skyjacker brackets break on the passenger side, myself I would stay away from lifts other than James Duff or stage 2 (new style) Skyjacker lifts if you wheel hard, but that is me, I have seen all of the others broken.


Thanks again for the advice.
