Onboard air: Portable or hardmount | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Onboard air: Portable or hardmount

Onboard air: Portable or hardmount?

  • Portable

    Votes: 10 62.5%
  • Hardmount

    Votes: 6 37.5%

  • Total voters

donkey boy

Explorer Addict
April 16, 2000
Reaction score
City, State
Rome, GA
Year, Model & Trim Level
'01 WJ
Portable or hardmount? Viair, Quickair or ARB? I'm not planning on running any airtools or on putting ARB lockers later on. I just want to be able to air up easily after the trails, probably being able to blow out a dirty airfilter, that's it. What do you guys recommend?

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For blowing out air filter only, I'd go portable.

This is definitely on my shopping list when I get my own house/garage. Woo hoo. :D

I currently have a VIAIR portable compressor and though it is beyond adequate I would rather (and someday will) have it hardmounted with an air tank.

I have a Viair 450 and have been pleased with it so far, altho I haven't used it much. You can get one on eBay for about $200. As an added bonus, they are chrome for the extra bling-bling. :)

Ironically Michael, this compressor will one day be used in conjunction with your old tanks. :D

As another option you might want to consider is C02.

I carry a 10lb C02 tank that securely mounts into a bracket that can be easily unlatched so the tank can be carried to where you need it, be it tires or running air tools, etc. Costs $10 to fill the tank.

Just another option for ya!


Originally posted by mrboyle
I currently have a VIAIR portable compressor and though it is beyond adequate I would rather (and someday will) have it hardmounted with an air tank.
Mike: Which model Viair do you have?
Robb: You know, my Jeep is my daily driver and family mover. I need the space mainly for toys (boys) and shoes (wife :rolleyes: ) :D I don't want to install tanks. The same reason I don't really want to go with a CO2 system.

Thanks for your imput, guys :cool:

About a year or so back, there was a comparision test of 12V compressors either at 4wheeler magazine or at Petersons. I remember that one cheapo compressor for 59 or 79 bucks did fairly good. Anyone remembers which brand and model it was? (I just got rid of all my old magazines about a month ago :banghead: )

have a question about portable air units, might sound a little funny but doesn't CO2 have some type of effect in cold weather, cause i know for my paintball guns in cold they say to use nitrogen. is compressed air better for cold or CO2, i'm looking at an 11lbs tank for compressed air, anyone know how long that would last, in terms of # of tires. thanks for the feed back.

Yah, co2 will turn to liquid in the cold (compress) and you'll have to use more of it to get as pressured. That's for paintball guns, for a tire, I think it would be stable enough that you wouldn't notice a difference...but i'm just guessing.

"think"???, being a key word there. don't really want to go off of guesses,sorry.

between a 11lbs compressed air tank or 10lbs Co2, which is best, does someone know for sure?
