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One amp powering 3 subs

1 amp, 2 subs, best way to get alot of sound?

i have a Bazooka el 300.1, and it pushes 300w x1 at 2 ohm. if i take my 4 ohm subs and run them parallel, is that the way to make my subs and amp as loud as then can go

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fordtruckin i have a Bazooka el 300.1, and it pushes 300w x1 at 2 ohm. if i take my 4 ohm subs and run them parallel, is that the way to make my subs and amp as loud as then can go


Hartman OK Brandon, stop cluttering up my thread.

Just as everyone else has said you must mach you impendance of your speakers to your amp, BUT if you wire them to be 1 ohm stable and your impeadnace is .6666I you will end up breaking your amp. You can wire them to be .6666i for impendance then use a restor in seires to bring the impendance up to 1. This can be done with any Impendance level.

BUT the proper way would be to get Three Smaller amps, or one thats briggible and one thats single.

You can also use capasitors to give the subs a little more bump.

If you take two subs one amp and place them in a band pass box, wire them out of phase of each other, That would give you the best sound of all.

But thats IMO.

Opps wrong line i ment to put this one
Anybody else have any input on this?

If it were me......

either go with the previously stated option, series wire all subs at 8 ohms a piece, 2.666 something total
and get a good 1,000 watt or more amp thats stable to 2 ohms....^^this will probably be the cheaper choice....

or, my favorite choice,

wire all subs parallel, 2 ohms a piece, .67 total, I think
and get a .5 ohm load, buy a MA Audio 401sx mono amp
(1800 watts @ .5 ohms) for ~$500 or less off ebay, .27 cents a watt by the way.... and you'll have a dependable amp, giving around 1500 watts to yer subs, and it will power almost anything you throw at it, also if you want to get another sub in the future go for it....

good luck

YourmamaISSOL, thanks for your help but I don't understand all that. I'm not real big into car audio.

I just need to know what kind of amp to get (2, 4, mono), and in what way to wire the subs to the amp.

I'd use a mono block amp, they are class D and designed to power subs, 2 or 4 channel amps are class A or B which are cleaner sounding but don't use power well.

If you can get an amp stable at .5 ohms then wire everything in parellal to get a .66 ohm load, if not wire them the way I said before to get a 2.66 ohm load and use an amp rated for 2 ohms.

That looks like a pretty good deal.

Its a good price but it won't work, it is not stable for .666 ohms and will only put out 600 watts at 2 ohms so it will either be unstable or under power your subs.

Have you decided how you are going to wire the subs, if it is for 2.66 ohms then you need something that will do 1500watts at 2 ohms like the MTX 1501D or the RF 1501bd.

I'd love to go with the 1501bd but they are going for $500 even on eBay. :eek:

I was going to say get 3 small mono amps which would be the most efficient but it would probibly cost more that 500$ I would say just get a big mono amp and put the 2.66 to it. some MA audio amps are stable at .5 ohm so if you can find one of those then you would be good
