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Overhead console calibration and general questions


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October 21, 2002
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I recently pulled an overhead console from an Explorer that I will be installing in a different vehicle.

My question is how do you properly calibrate the compass? Also, is there a calibration fo rthe temp?

Also, based on information I have gathered from here and other sources the VSS signal wire won't have to be hooked up to make it functional. Correct? It is impossible for my car to provide it the proper signal so there is no need to bother trying.

Leaving out the VSS wire, I have deduced that I can install the console and make it functional by only using the two temp sensor wires, ground and a switched positive source. Do you all concur with this? I am not going to be installing the back 2/3rds of the console (lights/gargedoor opener) so only the compass/temp will be used.

Thanks for any help you can provide.

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Also, I understand that the VSS is only used to slow down how quickly the temp rises or lowers when the vehicle is moving slowly and that once the car is moving faster the temp adjusts.

So can I just apply ground or positive to the vss wire off the console so it will think the car is always moving?

In order to calibrate the compass drive in a 360. I am not sure how many times but that is what I was told to do when I 1st purchased my ex from the dealer. As for the temp, I have no idea.

The compass an Temp will work w/o the VSS. The temp won't be as accurate but will still work. Grounding the postive VSS wire will not produce desireable results.

Good Luck,

Hold down the mode button for 8 seconds until it says cal
then drive in circles until cal goes away.

Thanks for the info. I will play around with the VSS wire to see if I can make it work better. I hooked it up temporarily to my cars battery a few days ago and when I held the mode button down it had me set the "zone". will it let me go on to teh calibration mode after I hav ethat set? Also what zone should I have it set in? I am in Kansas City, Missouri.

the driving around in circles should be done very slowly and in a very tight circle. It should also be very level. It should also be done away from parking lot lights and anything else that could mess with your compas. Its tough to find good places to caliberate. There is also a way to correct for true north in different regions but I think you need a manual.

Hope that Helps

I found out that the zone for my area is 7. I also hooked the wiring up temporarily this afternoon and found that if you hold the mode button down for 4-5 seconds the zone adjustments appears. Each time you press it after that it adjusts the number between 1-15.

Once the display goes back to normal, you can hold the button down for 8 or so seconds and it will enter calibration mode.

I also tinkered with the two temp wires and for the most part it seems functional. When the circuit is open it reports -40 degrees and when the circuit is closed it jumps to 140. I will mess with the VSS wire once I get a temp sensor.

How much does ford want for the sensor? I’m thinking I would rather just get a new one than the one from the salvage yard.

Hey Electron2002-

did you ever find out how much the temp gauge is from Ford. I am installing a overhead console and I don't have the mounting bracket or the temp guage so i am looking to purchase them from somewhere.


No, I never checked, I go tthe sensor off the donor car and it worked well so I never checked. Sorry.

Actually if you want, I can get you the bracket and sensor cheap. Like $5 plus shipping.
