Passenger window wont work | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Passenger window wont work


October 31, 2006
Reaction score
City, State
Langley, B.C. Canada
Year, Model & Trim Level
95 Eddie Bauer
I was wondering if anyone had any ideas before I start tearing my truck apart. My passenger window will not work..up or down..from the passenger side seat. However, it will work from the driver's side. I need to fix this, but am not sure where to start.
Thanks in advance

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Try swaping the window switch with another one it may be that simple.

depends on whether you have a two door or four door. in 96 (my drawings), 4 door, you have no voltage on R/LB while on two door, LB/BK is your problem. Likely place to look is at the DRIVER'S side door post as ALL window wiring passes thru there and since the door gets used the most, this is where your breaks usually appear.

Thanks, I'm gonna try that today if it ever stops raining!

That makes sense. I have a 4 door, does that change anything?

Check the window lock button (dirvers side) by switching it on and off a few times. Mine would acasionally work. When it got sick of constantly doing this I swaped it with a spare switch pannel and that fixed it

Mine did this from both sides...I took apart the driver's side, cleaned the contacts and reconnected them tight. Now it works perfectly. That's probably what I'll have to do for the passenger side as well some weekend when I don't have so much to do.
