performance accessories body lift question?? | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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performance accessories body lift question??



is the 300$ performance accessories body lift my only option in that category? im just looking for a 3 inch body lift and thats the only one im seeing just wondering ?

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Pa883 is what everyone uses. says they have one that's cheaper but I don't think it has all the parts

Yeah, I have the P.A BL on mine, I'd stick with that kit cause it comes with all the brackets you need to do the lift. Look all over the Internet to find a cheaper kit, I got mine off another member from the ST site cheap because he changed his mind.

alright thanks, hey if anyone knows where i can get a deal like midnightrebel let me know :D appreciate it

anddd, im searching for this pa-883 and im seeing a bunch of rangers with it, it will fit my 01 ST right?

Thanks! it is cheaper there, but im wondering how much shipping is for it. On amazon it says it ships for free. I guess i dont really care, i just want to get it ordered finally!

thankss alot guys, i really wasnt looking forward to paying close to 300$ for one but this helps alot

You need the kit for the '01-'02 ST, it'll fit '01-'05.

ahh crap! didn't notice it was for a sport trac. You can still do it cheaper, you would need the 3x3 blocks which are $3.75 a piece. make your own bumper brackets, head to hardware store and get the bolts necessary. more of a pita, but it'd work.

Trust me, for the ST you want the one that's made for it. Comes with special bumper brackets, etc... It's worth a couple more dollars.

so dont go with the pa-883? i think the cheapest one made for my truck that ive found is like 270$

Yep, I paid $180 or 200 for mine from another member on the ST site, he bought it for $320 had it in his barn for about a year and changed his mind about doing the b.l. so he sold it cheaper to me.

So what is the part number for the Sport Trac body lift? I looked through the FAQ and was surprised not to find it there.

I'm guessing this is what I'd need:

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I used the PA lift for my Sport Trac. Found it on Craigslist for $100, showed up with cash in hand and realized the girl and her boyfriend were just looking for their next meth score so I offered $80 and she took it.

I would have easily paid $300 for the simplicity of the Sport Trac specific body lift.
