personalized license plates | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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personalized license plates


Active Member
March 6, 2013
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City, State
Winnipeg, Manitoba CANADA
Year, Model & Trim Level
2003 sport trac xlt 4x4
I need help thinking of a clever license plate slogan. I know ultimately its up to me what i want but i need ideas since i cant think of anything other then ALLHERS, HERFORD,NOT HIS, 4X4 QT(not really sure about this one though) .

We can use 7 characters.
Can anyone think of anything for me ?

Thanks in advance :)

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I definitely would not use the second one. Too many people would read that as one word and think of the cattle breed. I'm pretty sure that's not the direction you're wanting to go.

People who know you can best judge whether the last one is appropriate. You could always say someone else picked that one for you if you get accused of being stuck up.


I definitely would not use the second one. Too many people would read that as one word and think of the cattle breed. I'm pretty sure that's not the direction you're wanting to go.

People who know you can best judge whether the last one is appropriate. You could always say someone else picked that one for you if you get accused of being stuck up.


Exactly, i cant seem to really think of anything clever and i DO NOT want to come across conceited or stuck up.
Even if it doesnt have anything to do with the fact that im a girl im totally okay with, just need something cool :p
something to do with the truck would be ideal (obviously)

Not grn

Not green since it is a trac and well, it is not green!

Explore - not the model but more of the unknown
Trac on

Hi Trac

NOTF150 or NO F150, I get a lot of people ask if mine is an F-150 or a Nissan or Toyota. You do have a matching F-150 if I remember from your pictures.

NOTF150 or NO F150, I get a lot of people ask if mine is an F-150 or a Nissan or Toyota. You do have a matching F-150 if I remember from your pictures.

You must be mistaken for someone else , I don't have an f150 but my boyfriend and family all do but none are red

I got a good one.


3 pa bl

What do you guys think of CUINDMUD or CUINMUD

Cundmud **

More people will read it the way you mean it if spelled with an I. CUINMUD is better than CUNDMUD.

can't have the Explore plate , i already have it here,, it was a demo plate, and gone already,


just a few,,

Decisions decisions, so many good ones you guys have suggested! Lol

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ha ha, not this one,,


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