PIAA PRO 90 XTS INSTALLED | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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just finished installing em in my EE airdam. they look really great, but i can't post pics until tomorrow. they are 110 watt ion yellow fogs and 130 watt superwhite driving lights in one 3.5 by 10 inch housing (exactly the size of the EE airdam openings) also, fyi i made the brackets for them out of the stock foglight brackets (it just took about 2 hours of work with a grinder, a vice, a 1/2 inch drill, and a few vice grips) can't wait to actually put my bumper on my truck and see how they look! but thats gonna have to wait until probably this weekend because i have so much other crap to do first.


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Cool, cant wait to see them. If you can, post a pic of the brackets. I thought about using my stock brackets, but I didnt think they would work. Id like to see how you did it.

whats left of the stock pieces is so small that you can't even tell thats where it came from. i'll post pics as soon as i can though so that you can see how it was done and maybe it will help someone else who decides to follow this same path.

btw- i mounted the lights with the fogs to the inside for now even though they said not to... i just thought they looked way better that way and they can't perform that much differently.

can't wait to be the first explorer forum member i know of to have these lights (and have them work properly) but first i have to tear out my entire interior and put it back together with new carpet and some other things.

Mine are mounted with the fogs to the inside also. I cant tell you how they perform mounted that way tho. :eek: Makes me wanna go out and buy some bulbs for them.

i'm so bored right now, lol. but i'm too lazy to keep working on my truck. those brackets took all day to get right! well other than eating two five course meals and bsing with the relatives they took the rest of the time.

they were fun to build though (or should i say unbuild mua ha ha), 'cause i got to pretend to be jesse james and impress the whole family when they fit perfect the first time i test fit them!

thats awesome! Congrats! Can't wait to see pics of em installed!

Can't wait to see them Drew.

First, off your new mods sound great!

Originally posted by expo5.0

btw- i mounted the lights with the fogs to the inside for now even though they said not to... i just thought they looked way better that way and they can't perform that much differently.

Did you flip them over or move the left to the right and right to left? If you flip them over that is going to screw up you light pattern. Switched, will be just fine.

That depends, black magic (if I'm following you). You have to mount them with the bolts on top of the light, which requires flipping them over from the way they were designed to be mounted. The driving light is completely independent of the fog and is fully adjustable. You just have to aim the housing to get the fog right and then use the adjuster screws to change the driving light.

actually now they are mounted back the way piaa recommends. lol. either way they can be flipped any way you want because the lens can be removed and flipped so that the pattern will be right no matter what. i can't wait to see how they actually look on the car either.

expo... I now deem upon you the title of, Vegas Jr.
Sine you got some kick-ass lights, but not a dozen of em, LOL.

ummmm:rolleyes: i have had the 90 pro xt's on my xplorer for about a year now :D They are great lights and fer what i paid for them i could not go wrong ($200cdn slightly used) i mounted the switch in the side of the steering colum just behind the turn signal arm, i found that these lights are soo powerfull that i have trouble seeing headlight coming around corners some times but i am getting used to that.

Yeah, definately gonna get mine working soon.

allright allright hotweels, you can be vegas jr. too :).

I'm assuming the stock foglight wiring isn't up to the challenge of these lights?

C'mon Drew, lets see some pics of these installed. ;)

I'm assuming the stock foglight wiring isn't up to the challenge of these lights?
The Piaa's come with good quality wiring harness with relays and switch, My only beef is the wires from the battery to the lights are a touch short and that makes it hard to have a super clean install but if you are creative they can be hidden fairly well. the stock foglights and wiring could be modified to work but you need a 3 position switch fog/off/driving lights for these piaa's.

yeah, same gripe i found about the wires. i had to run them in an almost straight line from the lights up to the power in order to make them reach. also, they just have to make them bright white so that makes em sort of hard to hide as well. the good news from the install is that the little dual switch pod thing they come with fits perfectly in my kleenex holder thing! i'll have to remove my current switches and get creative to make everything fit, but it will be minimal modifications to the stock piece.

as for the stock wiring- it is no where near ready for these things. i don't know what the stock fogs push in reality, but they only claim to pull and put out 40 watts! these claim to pull 85 or so each and put out 110 and 130 respectively.

Hotwheels- sorry man i didn't know. do you have some pics? where are yours mounted? congratulations on that deal, you saved about 300 dollars american over what i paid.
Shaun- you are the man! if you hadn't pointed out those new quad-beams i would never have ended up with these, and i couldn't be happier that i did. i hope your new lights are working out well also.

Mattadams- thank you man! thats quite a compliment from you and you've been a big help in helping me with lighting questions in the past. Although, when we'd discussed things before i'd never been willing to pony up for these so i never actually asked you about them. I'm glad to hear they get your seal of approval.

Hartman- pics will probably be a little while. the bumper is on the truck and i've taken some digital pictures, but my computer is at best buy right now and i'm not sure i want to load the photo storage program on my moms. i'll probably get around to it sometime, but not until i finish my other projects (flamed tails, tint, new carpet, etc.) btw, thank you too. lol. after you got some fogs and a new different airdam it motivated me to further assert my dominance (wink) over you and shell out for some bigger lights of my own.

one more thing
Rick- if you read this your gonna have to update that picture of my truck that runs in the banner, lol. 'cause it sure looks a lot better now with these fogs, a painted molding, a flamed grille and a midwest explorer sticker!

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sorry man i didn't know. do you have some pics? where are yours mounted? congratulations on that deal, you saved about 300 dollars american over what i paid.
I had to build a prerunner bar to install them so they would sit lower then my turn signals and they where a bit to close toghter but with my new winch bumper i can mount them a bit better if i dont sell em.
I really wanted a lightforce but i just could not pass up the deal on the piaa's looking back on the deal i still feel a bit guilty :rolleyes: .
I will post a pic some day when i do a B&A of my soon to be SFA so keep yer eye's open.
