Airdams that will fit the PIAA Pro 90 XT foglights? | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Airdams that will fit the PIAA Pro 90 XT foglights?


Well-Known Member
September 18, 2002
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Bartlett, IL (currently in Bloomington for school)
Year, Model & Trim Level
'95 XLT
I know about the Explorer Express one, but I've heard mixed things about E.E. in the past, so I'm not too sure I want to order from them. Does anyone else make a similar airdam that will fit the PIAA Pro 90 XT fogs?

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None that I know of.

Mike, Have you ever had any experience with Explorer Express?

Give us a try!

John V.@ Explorer Express

lol busted! haha actually ive been debating an EE airdam recently myself. 260 shipped is a big chunk of change considering id still have to paint it, and find some fogs for it.

John, many people have said that the fiberglass finish isn't the greatest on the 95-97 X Spec Airdams, and that often they need fiberglass work before they can even be painted.....what is your response to this?

some say theirs came in great shape, others not so great, have the glitches been fixed so more and more are coming in better shape.

The 260 price (after shipping) would be alot easier justifyable if all i had to do was paint it, but if i had to find someone to help me with 'glass work, i dont know if i could...

By the way, i think its really cool you are posting here and promoting your company and standing by your products, that alone has convinced me you guys have gone through some recent changes and started to focus a lot more on customer service, which is good news, and shows you run a good buisness.

Originally posted by nnnick

By the way, i think its really cool you are posting here and promoting your company and standing by your products, that alone has convinced me you guys have gone through some recent changes and started to focus a lot more on customer service, which is good news, and shows you run a good buisness.

I've noticed that too, and i like it

Hey John

Well nnnick pretty much summed it up for me there. I really like your products (I actually have a list of stuff I want to buy from you) but like nnnick said, if the airdam needs fiberglass work, I won't be able to afford it and then get it painted too.

What's your take on it? Thanks...


Our X-Spec air dams are the same as they have always been. They are made of fiberglass. They look nicer if they are sanded and filled (plastic filler). They do not need fiberglass work. This is fairly normal for aftermarket fiberglass parts. The important thing is they fit, they line up and they look good. They are not perfect out of the box, but they are not junk either. It is really a job for a body shop or person with a little experience. The other option we have is to have them re-done with an injection mold (plastic) type. We looked into it, but the mold and the set up fee alone would cost us over $5000. We designed and developed the prototypes so Explorer owners would have more options on air dams. We have many, many hours into developing these parts.

We have sold many of these with only a few complaints. Many owners have different expectations. This is why the opinion of our air dam may vary. The air dam has been the same all along. If you check the web site you will find that many owners have this product. I can send you some close up pictures so you can get a good look before you buy it.

Due to the nature of the web site, new travels fast. What started out as an air dam quality issue turned into a "customer service" issue. I noticed that a member had made a comment but had never actually made a purchase from us. We are still offering the same excellent customer service that we always have. We offer product knowledge and experience that others do not. We do not mind spending time giving advice or suggestions on the phone or by e-mail. We offer swift and friendly service. Anyone who has actually dealt with us knows that. The main thing that has changed is, I am now taking the time to come over here and work with you guys. I do not mind, this is what I do. I love talking to people about Explorers. I will continue to help all I can and continue to offer the best products for the best prices we can manage. You may of noticed we are also trying to be more competitive with our pricing. If you see one of our products offered elsewhere for less, please let me know. I am always open for comments and suggestions.

John V.@ Explorer Express

Experienced Tech Advice

I couldn't let this moment slip by w/o making a comment.

I have purchased a few items from John at Explorer Express. Unfortunately, due to the DEEP FREEZE here in Chicago I've been unable to install any of them. I will say in my years dealing w/ Foreign & Muscle Car Parts venders, John is a Class Act! If you want honesty, integrity, knowledge and someone who will not only develop but also stand behind their products, I would highly recommend Explorer Express.

John will give you the time on the phone to make sure you are knowledgable & informed on your purchase. A very RARE trait these days!!

Also, I've ordered many fiberglass parts for my cars from other venders & have yet to have one perfect looking. Most require minor work. It's an added bonus if it even fits correctly w/o modifications. I would gladly have paid extra just to have the part fit correctly.

Having said that, I feel that anytime you can get a good product at a fair price w/ great & knowledgable customer service, Go for it!!

Just to let you know, the pro90's will fit in the bumper opening also. I have the PIAA 70 series, which is the same size as the 90's, in there now. Little bit of shoehorning & trimming but they fit.


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John V., I would like to say that I agree with nnnick on the fact that you stepping in here lately has shown that you are interested in giving great service and I have also seen a change in your company. I ordered your airdam about 6 months or so ago, and when it arrived, I was disappointed. The box that it shipped in was way too small. The airdam was crammed in there and it cracked some of the mounting tabs. I took it to my buddy's body shop and told him that it needed some light sanding and paint, because thats what it says on your website. I had never really seen anything made out of fiberglass before, so I thought thats all it needed. My buddy looked at me and said, "it's gonna need a lot more than that". Well, here it is after he was done with it.

It came out looking as smooth as the rest of my trucks paint. I'm glad I didnt send it back to you guys like I had thought about doing.

John, I didnt say the stuff above to make people look down on your products. They really are great, but for someone who doesnt know much about them, saying that all it needs is light sanding and paint or light preparation can be misleading.

Guys, I say go for it. Its a great looking airdam, and if you can chuck the Pro 90's in it it makes it look even better.

Thank you for your feedback and your endorsement. I do not mind constructive criticism in such a polite fasion. I like getting input I can use.

In an effort to improve our air dam program, we will make make the following changes:

1) We will inspect every air dam before shipping out.

2) We will change our air dam packaging.

3) We will include hardware for every air dam shipped.

Thanks you for the positive feedback that I have been receiving. I am always open for input, suggestions and feedback.

By the way, nice looking Explorer!

John Vanek,
Explorer Express
