PIAA Superwhites Poll! | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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PIAA Superwhites Poll!

OK, one of the most common questions here is "what does everyone think of the PIAA Superwhite headlight bulbs? Are they worth the money?" Well I figured I'd test the functionality of this new bulletin board, and get a little poll going. Please answer honestly :)

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I think theyre worth it. The higher color temp makes the light whiter and improves night driving IMHO. Oh and one other thing they havent blew out like one of my Hipers have. Now if they would make H1 superwhites....... :)


wow, I love that kind of a response, lookin good!

I have them, worth the money if you shop around and find the best price. Best I have found is $63.00 with no shipping at www.central4wd.com. I love the brighter low beams, I had plenty of auxilary lights to help with the high beams though, so no help there. Conclusion: Worth the Price!!!

I really like them also, very pleased. Hope to get the matching fogs soon.

I like them, improved visibility with the low and high beams and a noticable color difference when compared to regular stock bulbs. Price is a little high, but quality equipment costs a little more.


PIAA Superwhite

I noticed a big improvement over the stock bulbs. Much much much brighter.

Got my new Piaa's in my Ranger. 9007 headlights and H3 fogs. I am a little disappointed with the headlights. Yes they are good, but not worth the money in my opinion. But, I do like the H3 fog lights. There is a noticeable difference from the stock fog lights. Worth the cost? No.

Another thing, my headlamps arn't very white. At least not compared to my fogs. With all the lights shining on a white wall. The fogs have a very white light, while the headlamps had a more yellow stock like light. I had one stock headlight in and one Superwhite headlight in, and it was hard to tell a difference. So now my fogs look a little whiter than my headlamps...

I love them, it was a HUGE improvement. Signs are reflected and visible from FFAARR away now.
The WHITE light seems to just make things easier to see. I will definitley purchase PIAA for my lightning
needs now, it's just a matter of having the money :) Once again thank you matt for the bulbs!

at first I wasn't very happy with them for $64.00 a pair lights
now I think they are great
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