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pics of everyones system


April 21, 2001
Reaction score
City, State
San Luis Obispo, CA
Year, Model & Trim Level
Explorer '99 XLT 4x4
ok, for all the guys out there that want to see pictures of everyones system to get ideas for their own system, this is the post. so if you have got pictures of your sweet system, post them here for us all to see! thanks.

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check my link for more pics, system is on page 2

That's a good idea! I will have mine up as soon as my system is done (about a month). The funding is the only problem. I will gladly accept any donations :D

sweet darkfox! ive been thinkin of puttin 2 12'' custom fitted over the wheel wells like yours. it looks good!

keep em commin guys! :)

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I am building a custom box similiar to Darkfox's within the month so , I will post pics of it when I am done.

no digital camera :(
i have a digital video camera, but dont have the right port on my computer to hook it up. it needs something like a 1394, all i have is USB. :(

thats it?

only 2 of you guys have pictures of your system? common, if youve got pics- then post em here. it would be really helpfull if you did so help us out guys. thanks:)

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hey, I know you, you never replied to my email! :p really nice work with the truck, looks great, I'm still considering doing an LCD in my console like that, but I'd like it flush mounted. whered ya get that screen?

Yeah I know, sorry about that, no excuses. I actually bought the tv, tuner, and the vcp from a stereo installer who was selling his stuff to lose some weight in his race car. The pic of the tv is an older one, I’ve moved it up to thee roof, check out my cardomain site, I’ve made some changes. Right now I’m working on a couple of fiberglass enclosure to replace the one I have now, here are a couple of pics of one of the enclosures:


I've took a bunch of high res images through out the building proccess if anybody is interested.

bigtigexplorer- i wouldnt mind seein some more of those fiberglass enclosers. just out of curiosity, how hard is it to use fiberglass and build stuff with it? and another thing, i noticed on your page you got a 500 watt 4channel amp mounted underneath the rear seat, and i was wondering if you had any problems with overheating or with folding the seat completely down with it mounted there.

tacomeat, let me have you email address and I sent you a zip file with the pics. This is my first try at working with fiberglass, it really doesn't seem to be that hard, but I guess we'll find out when I finish. I really dont use that amp that much, its kinda like my back up. However I have been using it for about three weeks since my other amp is getting repaired. I've yet to have a problem with it and since the amp is mounted up under the seat it folds down just fine as long as there is nothing on the floor below it. I think is a great out of the way place if your thinking about mounting an amp there. Just make sure you leave some slack in the wiring for when you fold the seat down.

These four tens will soon be replaced with four twelves. I'll just cut the holes larger. They might get replaced with some of the new square Power Acoustik subs just because no one else has them yet.

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those square subs are cool. does the square shape give different/better sound/bass? or do they just look different?

square subs can move more air than the round ones, but the sound quality seriously suffers. the other thing i dont like about square subs is that none are powerful enough. the kickers and poweracoustiks dont handle much power and have small magnets.

Xtant make hexagonal subwoofers that perform pretty well. they have better sound quality than square, but still not like round.

you get the most performance from a round sub with lots of linear excursion.

I'll take some pics of mine this weekend when I put in the new sub. And sickboarder, are you coming to the So Cal meet in Pasadena on the 23rd? If so, you can see it then.



I thought the kicker L7 used a neodynium (sp) magnet? so that it could be small and just as powerful as a large? I know DEI studio components do that..

darkfox, that magnet helps, kinda.

but the solo barics are kicker's top of the line subwoofer, meant for spl. the 10s only handle 300w, 12 only 375, and 15s only 500.

500 watts for the company's biggest baddest sub? you could get lots of round subs that will blow that away (and less $$ too). remember, they aren't sq subs so power matters. the kicker is much better than the power acoustik though. the p.a. couldn't hold a candle to the kicker.

i bet your audiomoblie subs outperform the solo barics no problem, and they sound better too.

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here's mine :
not completly finished yet....i haven't had the time lately to work on it..the amp on the pics are absolete and been replaced by an Earthquake D2 amp ....

