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please !!!!!!!!! help me


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June 1, 2013
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explorer 2005 limited
hi dears

I have problem that happened to my car 2005 ford explorer limited edition .

my car is crank good , but won't start , and the temperature gauge is go off every time excep if I connect 12 volt to throttle switch is start good.

please tell me how to fix that .

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do you have a code reader to plug in to the car to read error codes?

I would take a look at your fluids and fuel. Also. look for a "weep" hole on the water pump and see if there is water or antifreeze visible. if your water pump went (or any accessory) the engine wont start (most times) but will try to turn over.

thank you for replying dear "Harpua216"

All that was working well, except pcm chek , when connect the car to pcm computer test the device wont see my car , Knowing that their ' pcm ' is properly working good.

Sorry I want to add something .
when i go to start engine , the car crancked well but wont start , but if i take 12 volt connect to throttle switch the car start properly.

i wonder if it is an ignition coil issue. or an electrical issue. not sure why the reader isnt seeing your PCM. did you buy a clone ELM327 off if ebay? is it v2.1? if it is v2.1 you may have problems reading DTC's. 1.5 is the stable version for ELM327.

I would like to explain the problem again and more clearly :

When I turn the ignition on, all gauges go down below zero, they actually drop very low, which in itself is strange. The car does not start when I turn the key. The throttle does a sort of buzzing noise. When I measure the voltage in the lines going to the throttle, the one that's supposed to feed 12 V has less voltage - around 4 V . when I feed this line using a probe tool with 12 V, the gauges get back to normal, and the car starts.

when the car is running does the CEL (check engine light) come on?

sound like its electrical and the fact that your reader cant read the PCM makes me think such. this is not an area I am remotely good in.
