PLEASE help. Todqy got '13 explorer and cannot find 12 v outlets to charge phone, nav | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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PLEASE help. Todqy got '13 explorer and cannot find 12 v outlets to charge phone, nav


New Member
December 26, 2012
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Please help. I looked everywhere amd i cannot find any 12 v outlets in my XLT interior. I know there is one for secodn row but what about up front????? They are not there. Thnx

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Please help. I looked everywhere amd i cannot find any 12 v outlets in my XLT interior. I know there is one for secodn row but what about up front????? They are not there. Thnx

Did you read pg 197 of your owners manual? It should be in the glove box, which is located right in front of the passengers seat.

Mine is inside the center console. I too have a XLT.

Are you for real?

Welcome to the forum and enjoy your new Explorer. But I've got to ask, have you read your manual? Give it look, it has lots of info about your new ride.

12v Power Outlet

There is also a power point under the console cover, right in front do the gearshift.

Tucker, brite and ssst thank you for your reply. There was a rubber inlay in that compartment where the usb and aux inputs are that covered up the 12 v cover/outlet. I had to remove it to clear 12v. Preciate your help.

Riley, i read the owners manual but not word for word and cover to cover on the day I got it. I do know where the glove compartment is. Shakin my head, kind of a smart as& comment ("in front of the passenger seat") lets keep things respectful.

Thnx to all and God bless

there another one in the center console/armrest

Mine is inside the center console. I too have a XLT.
Welcome to the Foru ssstacoma.:wavey:
I hope that you are enjoying your new Explorer as I am mine.
Happy motoring.:thumbsup:


Please help. I looked everywhere amd i cannot find any 12 v outlets in my XLT interior. I know there is one for secodn row but what about up front????? They are not there. Thnx

Hi hmannn,

The community has pointed you in the right direction on this one! You can get more information about the auxiliary power points in your Explorer in the 4th printing of your Owner's Manual, starting on page 197 (as Riley helpfully pointed out). You can download a copy of it here: While you're there, you can check out other vehicle-specific documentation, too!

There is also a power point under the console cover, right in front do the gearshift.

Did you read pg 197 of your owners manual? It should be in the glove box, which is located right in front of the passengers seat.

Mine is inside the center console. I too have a XLT.

there another one in the center console/armrest

Thanks for chiming in to help out hmannn, gang!


Thank you everybody.

Crystal, I appreciate you and all your help. Thank you. I may have buy another Ford- F250 diesel...... Anyway, thanks again.


Thank you everybody.

Crystal, I appreciate you and all your help. Thank you. I may have buy another Ford- F250 diesel...... Anyway, thanks again.


No problem, Brian! Let me know if you have any other questions.

