Please someone help me find the name for this part!!! | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Please someone help me find the name for this part!!!

Well as luck would have it, i ended up having a minor accident in my parents explorer. But i got eveything i need to fix except for one part. Okay my explorer is a 4 door 95 XLT explorer. The part i cant name is behind the back wheel. Like behind the back wheel it has this like chrome plate that goes all the way to the rear bumper. At the top of this chrome plate is a little strip of plastic that is the same color as the plastic that covers the back bumper. That is the part i needed, the damn little plastic thingy. I also need the plastic covering for the back bumper. I know its a longshoot but im hoping someone will know what im talking about and can hopefully help me. Just to clear it up again, i need to know the actual name of the part and if you know where i could buy it i would be extremely grateful. Than You everyone.

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Your best bet to find that plastic trim piece for cheap is gonna be a junkyard. Its probably goona be expensive if you go to the dealer to get it.

I usually call it the rear rocker guard or something like that. I don't think you can buy the plastic pad seperately, you have to guy the whole unit unless you find one at a junkyard.

The pad on the bumper is called a step pad or also a numper pad and I am 90% sure you can get it new seaprately.
The chrome thing rocker cover is a good term, quarter extension, possibly.
I am not at work if I were I could get you the part number and a good name. Any parts guy worth his weight should be able to figure it out with a little bit of descrption.
Good luck.

oh yeah, welcome to the site.
Don't be a stranger.

did you find the parts you need? if not i think i have what you are looking for.

Oh hey naw i havent been able to find the part i need. If you know and have what it is then that would be great!!

The bumper cover can be had from for $51.83. I can't seem to find the little piece you need, but if you can get me a pic of it I might be able to find it at the junkyard on Friday. You can post the pic or send it to me at

Plastic on bumpers and side steps even inside I have extras

I frequent the Wilmington yard often, pretty sure that's not far from you, anyways don't waste your time calling shops WAYYY to expensive, lets just say in those yards I kinda feel like a kid in a candy shop!! Haha I know it's a problem I admit it.

What color are your plastic needs? Grey , black, let e know and we
Can arrange something... Don't be another
Innocent victim to the dealers " on sale " overpriced junk!

Everything I ever pick up is basically untouched, a nice polish and wipe down and your good to go!
Let e know if you need need help, I'm not far from H-Wood
