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Please welcome - The Ford IVT Team

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However, that may or may not require a hardware upgrade and the new system may not be backword compactable. That may be the reason Ford didn't say anything. What do you expect them to say? We are working on a major upgade and it may come out sometime in 2012. Who would continue to buy before then?

As I said in another thread. The hardware in MFT is more than capable. There would be no hardware upgrade required for them to rewrite the software and fix the glaring errors and issues. If they said they were planning a major SOFTWARE update in 2012, and that the MY2011+ MFT units would be eligible for the update MORE people would purchase, knowing that they can just update when it becomes available.

Do you think people stop buying windows computers because microsoft puts out a press release that says a new version of windows will be available in 6 months? As long as there is an upgrade path, it won't hurt sales, it will only help it. As it is now people ARE waiting to see if all the bugs get worked out before they actually purchase. Especially w/ the recent ratings and magazine articles slamming MFT.

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I really love the X and want to buy one, and I particularly like the MFT feature, as advertised. However, the concern of reliability really hold me back. The FMT is not just your grandpa's radio, or a simple GPS, it controls the AC and other functions too. It has so many problems as new, what would happen down the road in 3 years? It scares me just think about it. That's why I'm still waiting, waiting for the big upgade on the MFT or a new replacement configration, whatever that is.

I agree. Reliability issues (MFT being the major one) along with Sync not being available in Canada are holding me back. I look at Kia and Dodge, may not like the cars as much, but their versions of MFT work.

Why hasn't Rebecca or Cory jumped on here to say anything about the update "officially"? last thing she said was it could not be confirmed. She's a lot more responsive on Facebook then on here anymore. I'm still waiting to see the Official TSB

Why hasn't Rebecca or Cory jumped on here to say anything about the update "officially"? last thing she said was it could not be confirmed. She's a lot more responsive on Facebook then on here anymore. I'm still waiting to see the Official TSB

Rebecca appears to have abandoned this thread ;)

She's a lot more responsive on Facebook then on here anymore. I'm still waiting to see the Official TSB

Facebook? What is that ... isn't everyone on Google+ now?

Why hasn't Rebecca or Cory jumped on here to say anything about the update "officially"? last thing she said was it could not be confirmed. She's a lot more responsive on Facebook then on here anymore. I'm still waiting to see the Official TSB

Had v2.11 done far very fast and stable.......probably jinxed myself.

TSB was out July 24th

TSB# 11-07-24

Nice that we had that communicated after being told to wait so many times!

I sent a PM to Rebecca the other day but have not heard back in regards to my navigation issues. I saw that she responded to a post somewhere after I had sent the PM.

Any idea how long it usually takes to hear back?

I sent a PM to Rebecca the other day but have not heard back in regards to my navigation issues. I saw that she responded to a post somewhere after I had sent the PM.

Any idea how long it usually takes to hear back?
Rebecca has been very helpful regarding my MFT problems. Unless Ford has yanked her away I'm sure she'll reply. With the hundreds of posts I'm sure it's difficult for her to do her full-time job and this too. I'm assuming her role here is only part of her job.

Compatible Cell Phones?

I'm wondering if there is an updated compatible cell phone list? I'll probably be needing a new one soon.

I'm wondering if there is an updated compatible cell phone list? I'll probably be needing a new one soon.
Regardless of what is on the list, I think it best to speak to the sales person from whom you are buying the phone to ensure that it can be brought back if it doesn't work with the Explorer. I inquired at several stores and was told that there would be no problem in returning the phone. Some had usage restrictions on minutes that you could use the phone for but nothing that would prevent you from ensuring that you could set it up to work with the MFT.

Regardless of what is on the list, I think it best to speak to the sales person from whom you are buying the phone to ensure that it can be brought back if it doesn't work with the Explorer. I inquired at several stores and was told that there would be no problem in returning the phone. Some had usage restrictions on minutes that you could use the phone for but nothing that would prevent you from ensuring that you could set it up to work with the MFT.

OK, thanks. I did not know you could do this.

Compatibility Chart

I'm wondering if there is an updated compatible cell phone list? I'll probably be needing a new one soon.

Hi Lucille!

Please compile a list of 5 or so phones (with the carrier) that you are interested in and send them to me in a private message. I will be able to see if we have any known "issues" with the phones or not.


$200 for MFT owners?

Saw this on Craigslist in the San Fran area:

$200 Paid Study for MyFord Touch Navigation Owners (SF/East Bay)

gotomedia is seeking participants who own a 2011 or 2012 Ford Edge/Explorer/Focus with MyFordTouch for a study about navigation systems and why you love them. To be considered for participation in the study....

Not sure if it's legit, but hey - check it out. Just that $200 seems too high.

Saw this on Craigslist in the San Fran area:

$200 Paid Study for MyFord Touch Navigation Owners (SF/East Bay)

gotomedia is seeking participants who own a 2011 or 2012 Ford Edge/Explorer/Focus with MyFordTouch for a study about navigation systems and why you love them. To be considered for participation in the study....

Not sure if it's legit, but hey - check it out. Just that $200 seems too high.

LOL, when you click the link to fill out the survey, it says $150.

"a study about navigation systems and why you love them. To be considered for participation in the study....

Not sure if it's legit, but hey - check it out. Just that $200 seems too high.

Let's see.... I guess it would take me about 6 hours to come up with a reason why I love MFT and the inaccurate navigation system. That seems like reasonable compensation for my time.

Hi Rebecca,

I was wondering if Ford is listening to the feedback of the users on here regarding the quality of the Navigation map data?

We would greatly appreciate it if you could pass along our findings as to the accuracy, or lack there of, of the map and POI data.

As it stands now, it is a bit of a sticking point in our plans to purchase an Explorer.

Thanks a bunch! :)

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Hi Rebecca,

I was wondering if Ford is listening to the feedback of the users on here regarding the quality of the Navigation map data?

We would greatly appreciate it if you could pass along our findings as to the accuracy, or lack there of, of the map and POI data.

As it stands now, it is a bit of a sticking point in our plans to purchase an Explorer.

Thanks a bunch! :)

Hi VinceL!

Yes, we do actively monitor your feedback regarding the map data. For now, if you, or anyone else, comes across an address or POI that is not in the system, please report it here:

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