Pocket for single Din opening? | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Pocket for single Din opening?


New Member
August 20, 2002
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City, State
San Francisco, CA
Year, Model & Trim Level
1996 Explorer XLT V8
Hey everyone,

I'm updating my system in my 96 XLT and I am going from 2 decks to 1. Is there a company out there or Ford Co. that makes a nice pocket that replaces a single DIN opening for my Explorer?

I'm still opting not to use my stock Ford Radio/CD Changer. I want it to look nice and clean. I previously had a nice hooked up CIVIC and Honda make a nice pocket kit.

Thanks for the help.

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If you cant find any nice plastic pockets look around a junk yards and take one out of an explorer because ive seen them in the 2nd and 3rd gen explorers (the 1st gen didnt have little nice pockets. Or if that fails you could always make one. Get youself some (pretty) thin wood, sand it till its very smooth, and then glue the pieces together (dont forget to measure the sizes). Then place it on in there, you could hold it in place with some foam or somthing on the outside of your new pocket (the foam would go behind the pannels not visiable). Well just my .02cents :)

Best Kits from AAMP makes one model number if I remember is BUKPT750

So you're looking for an adapter kit to mount a single DIN in the large factory spot, correct?

When getting my aftermarket HU, I tried 3 different kits. The one I got at Walmart was the best, forget the brand.

I have used adaptors from Crutchfield as well as Circuit City.

Go to the flea market and get the adapter kit for like 6 bucks rather than drop an outrageous amount on a double din HU.

g'day davidwscott

i have a 99xlt, its the australian model, pretty much identical, i used a pocket that come's in the mazda 323 (i have no idea if they are called that in the states) i had to cut some of the top because the din is not 2 hu's, but the cut is not seen because of the face panel. it will all go nice and snug, also looks very clean, no rattles..

catch ya..
sorry its a little late but i just found this owesome site...
