Power door lock problem | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Power door lock problem


February 20, 2013
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City, State
Macon, Ga
Year, Model & Trim Level
the power door on my 05 st does not work only the power windows works on the truck not even on my remote it will not lock/unlock.

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Unless it's an electrical issue, the only way to diagnose is by removing the door panel. Most likely causes are broken
door latch springs, lock actuator, or linkages if you hear noise when you hit the lock/unlock button. Leave the window
up before unplugging the connector and removing the panel. GL

well i bought the truck as is and every time i want to lock all my door i have too lock it by hand one by one. if its an actuator than its on every door?

Unless it's an electrical issue, the only way to diagnose is by removing the door panel. Most likely causes are broken
door latch springs, lock actuator, or linkages if you hear noise when you hit the lock/unlock button. Leave the window
up before unplugging the connector and removing the panel. GL

well i bought the truck as is and every time i want to lock all my door i have too lock it by hand one by one. if its an actuator than its on every door? i try my remote and on the passenger i can hear a click sound when i press the lock/unlock button on the remote.

If NONE of the doors are locking by the door switches or remote, it's an electrical issue.

It's unlikely that all the actuators are broken but it is possible. If only one door makes a click when you press the lock button then it could be that there is a loose connection to the main/driver door switch, bad switch on the driver door, bad ground, or a wire is cut somewhere.

Don't hold me to it but I think if there is a short at the master switch, it will effect all doors. I have fixed windows by finding pinched/broke wires that run through the boot between the door and cab. I also fixed the windows on my wife's Edge the other day. On that, I took the master switch out, completely disassembled it, and cleaned the rocker switches. Sometimes those areas get wet or something gets dumped on the armrest, and not to mention wires breaking at the boot from all the years of opening and closing. This isn't exactly your problem but it might be something you could check into. Good luck.

If the short is the feed wire to the master switch then it would indeed cause all locks not to work. If there is one or more shorts after the switch then it would effect whichever locks are being fed by those bad connections.
That click may be a remote relay for the locks but I'm unsure if there is one in the wiring or not. You need to go to each switch with the accessory on and test if there is power to them. If not then you know your problem is before each door in the wiring, at the main/driver switch, or even upstream before that.
I assume you checked your fuse? If the fuse is separate from the windows it's a possibility.

If the short is the feed wire to the master switch then it would indeed cause all locks not to work. If there is one or more shorts after the switch then it would effect whichever locks are being fed by those bad connections.
That click may be a remote relay for the locks but I'm unsure if there is one in the wiring or not. You need to go to each switch with the accessory on and test if there is power to them. If not then you know your problem is before each door in the wiring, at the main/driver switch, or even upstream before that.
I assume you checked your fuse? If the fuse is separate from the windows it's a possibility.

i check out the owner manual's and the power door lock fuse relay is in the engine fues box but when i look at it the fuse is missing its number 26 here the link and the page number is 192-192. so i try to put a fuse in it but it didnt fit like it should.

so i took a picture and try too compare is with picture on the owner manual. it's not the same fues book. take a look.


There is a relay box on the right side frame rail down in next to the passenger tire hard to see but its down there...
